Great Bengal Cat Photos

Great Bengal Cat Photos

by Michael

Bengal Cat At Sea

Bengal Cat At Sea

Here's some great Bengal cat photos provided by a Bengal cat breeder to Yahoo Group members, which I cannot resist republishing on this page because they are unusual and so damn good.

The breeder is Deborah Cadigan-Little and she sold this gorgeous girl to a couple who have a boat and a dog. Well the obvious thing to do is to take 'em with you and we know how Bengal cats like water so this seems to be a Bengal cat paradise.

Bengal cat at sea

Cosy relationship - both enjoying the sea air

The relationship between this two looks very close and amicable. The couple's dog looks very well behaved and one of those dogs that gets on well with cats. He looks distinguished. And so does the Bengal cat. Both are wearing safety harnesses and both have their own life jackets. This Bengal cat went to a fantastic home. Well done. We love to see this.

I should think that credit goes to Deborah Cadigan-Little for breeding such a well socialized Bengal cat. Anyway, it certainly looks that way.

Bengal cat photos don't get much better unless they're by Helmi Flick; she's the best.

Deborah's cattery is here: Asian Bamboo Bengals

I hope she and the person who took the photos are OK with me republishing these pictures. If so, please add a comment. We'd like to hear more.

From Bengal cat photos to Bengal cats for sale

Bengal cats like to drink from taps. This can be dangerous. Try this (UK): Drinkwell Pet Water Fountain For Cats & Dogs - Platinum Model

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Great Bengal Cat Photos

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Jan 06, 2009 Cool Blue Companionship
by: Anonymous

Love the companionship, the calm, the space and the sea. Fantastic photos..

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