Great BIG Feral Cat

by Richard
(Halstead, ks, USA)

A WILD cat

A WILD cat

A WILD cat Slightly enhanced image

Here is a cat I trapped accidentally while I was working on spaying/neutering some "favorites" of mine. The picture doesn't show it, but this thing had a head twice as wide as a normal cat, and it was lively and hissing, trying to get at me with its paws through the wire.

A very impressive animal.


Hi Richard... I don't suppose you have more photographs of this cat, do you?

If you do please email me:

substitute at for @

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Great BIG Feral Cat

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Nov 13, 2011 Great BIG Feral Cat
by: Amanda

Ha, I saw a Cat like this in my yard, except he was grey, he was about three of four times bigger then a normal house Cat, my Manx Cat chased him away a couple of times.

Oct 03, 2011 another big headed cat
by: Gaynelle

I found this very interesting since I too had a very big headed cat that was sneaking in (catdoor) and eating for years- I set up a video cam to see what was eating the cat food and what a suprise he was- a very large head and feet. I worked on befriending this kitty for years...finally got him to the vet to be neutered and It feels like a different cat was sent home! He is very posscessive of me and wants to be beside me all the time-he is mean to my two domestic cats and I am afraid he will run them off...They are terrified of him and he swats them every chance he gets. He seems to be moving in the house -yesterday he was inside and in one of the cats favorite beds when I came home! I am praying there will be some peace in my family soon!

Mar 12, 2011 Amazing
by: Leah (England)

What a beautiful boy (I assume he's male?)

Good on you for helping to alleviate the feral problem.

What do you mean when you say he was accidentally caught? Is he not up for neutering? Won't he be neutered because he is truely a breed of 'wild' cat such as in Scotland.

I do hate to see him caged though I hope he wasn't kept like that any longer than necessary

Mar 11, 2011 wow
by: Kathy W

Wow what a beautiful cat. I hope you did right by him. Whatever it was Im sure you did the right thing. Hed be great to have around. Good luck getting him to trust you.

Mar 11, 2011 Huge Feral!
by: Dorothy

WOW, what a cat! So good of you to neuter him and release to have a great life without adding to the problem. He's gorgeous. I'm sure he has been generous to the gene pool already. I hope he has a long and prosperous life. Good for you!


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