Great picture of Nellie the cat surrounded by 3 firefighters who resuscitated her

This is an excellent photograph of Nellie, a black-and-white cat, who was unresponsive when rescued from a residential home struck by lighting causing a fire. Three firefighters surround Nellie in an awesome display of care.

Three firefighters attend to a cat rescued from a fire caused by lighting
Three firefighters attend to a cat rescued from a fire caused by lighting. Photo: WINA

It happened in Crozet, Virginia, USA. The humans go out but 2 cats were left behind. That is often the case. The firefighters were able to find them.

Nellie was revived with oxygen and water. They say that she’ll be fine. I hope so but I would have thought a veterinary check is in order to ensure that her lungs are unaffected. Smoke inhalation might have damaged them.

I don’t have the name of the other cat or how he/she was rescued or revived. I felt that the photograph above demanded to be published on PoC. It was taken by a WINA staff photographer I believe. I don’t have a name.

Here is other photograph showing a contented firefighter because Nellie appears to have just come around and is on the way to a full recovery, I hope.

Nellie the cat revived by firefighters. Photo: WINA
Nellie the cat revived by firefighters. Photo: WINA

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