You cannot say, as the NRA does, that a gun is an inanimate object and does no harm and that all the blame for the daily mass gun homicides in America is solely the responsibility of deranged people. This the mantra of the NRA. It is America’s biggest lie.
Gun homicide is an equal partnership between human and gun. One without the other can not commit murder with a gun. There would still be homicides in America if the gun was completely removed from society and the 2nd Amendment repealed from the constitution. But there would be a much lower kill rate; very much lower. So tighter regulation of guns would save lives. It is the first duty of government to protect citizens.
That alone is why at least assault rifles need to be eliminated and removed from private ownership across the US and Nevada needs to start regulating guns to a sensible level without upsetting too many die-hard gun fans.
Sorry for interfering and commenting on the US constitution. I know that Americans hate Europeans interfering in this way but in the name of the 59 dead and 500 injured yesterday in Las Vegas, I feel compelled to get it off my chest.
Now back to cats…..
Agree to disagree…
Too bad that you didn’t have a gun to stop them.
So, I cheer them on!
May you be walking your cat when another van or truck comes barreling down your road driven by someone who finds that obtaining guns isn’t even an issue.
John Lott is not an objective reporter. He is a gun advocate/apologist who is also a Fox News columnist. I am not anti-gun — in fact, I am an excellent shot — but I see no need whatsoever for weapons of war to be widely available. Their purpose is to kill and only to kill. We have enough assholes without arming them with automatic weapons.
Thank you for the edits.
I just heard a weapons instructor explain how someone could mimic a bump stock with a belt, or a more sophisticated version with a 3-D printer.
Of course you have your right to comment. Cat killers will use anti-freeze or golf clubs to kill, as has happened in my area. And the troll can take a flying leap.
We will just have to agree to disagree. Personally, I would be happier to read some of the informative and interesting articles that you normally run, as opposed to one like this.