This is exciting and a bit scary at the same time. The video tells the story better than words. I’ll add a brief comment. Both these guys are tender souls. They are educated and I love the way the motorcyclist raced down the road to retrace his journey to scoop the sweet but bemused kitten from the middle of the road. He stopped a car that was arriving which might have hit the kitten but for his actions.
How did the kitten get there? It is just astonishing. Abandoned? The other guy who arrives in a car and parks is better placed to take the kitten to a safe place. The motorcyclist thanks him. They worked well together. I wonder if he adopted this sweet ginger tabby kitten.
The video was made by the motorcyclist, obviously, and it is because he wears a video camera on his helmet as an insurance policy against bad car drivers! Useful in this instance too.
Yes, indeed. Thanks Carol.
Praise God for these two kind, brave gentlemen 💗