Cleaning the ear of a hairless cat as per the advice of a Sphynx cat breed Sphynxlair

Cleaning the ear of a hairless cat as per the advice of a Sphynx cat breed Sphynxlair

This is a screenshot from a video made by a Sphynx cat breeder. The breeder is using a cotton-tipped swab to clean the inside of the ear flap and it seems that she is pushing the swab into the ear canal of the cat. This is not to be advised and I am surprised that the breeder is doing this on video. It is potentially very dangerous and it can encourage inexperienced people to follow this demonstration.

Hairless cat owner should only be cleaning the inside of the ear flap and not the ear canal in my opinion. The reason why the earwax in the air canal may look as if it has built up to excess is because it is attracting dirt from the outside more easily because there are no hairs in the ear canal to protect the ears.

The earwax is picking up more dirt which can mislead some owners to believe that there cat has ear mites. Another confusing factor in this discussion.

Please click on the link above the picture to the main article where you can read more on this and in some detail. I give my honest opinion on this which clashes quite dramatically with the views of breeders and experts. I am open to the opinion of others on this and indeed welcome the opinion of others.

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