A one-eyed cat has survived a 150 mile trip on a hot car engine in the UK. Vets treated his first degree burns with manuka honey. Manuka honey has antiseptic properties preventing infection. It is the first time that I have read about manuka honey being used in a veterinarian’s clinic.
He is a handsome cat. His name is Ronney. He is 12 years old and a ginger and white tom. He belongs to Katrina Smart, 46, and nurse from Burslem, Staffordshire, UK.
Ronney had hidden in a neighbour’s car – an unsuitable part of it. He emerged in Wiltshire.
We know how commonplace it is for cats to take up residence in the engine compartment of cars. It normally takes place in winter because car engines are warm. I am not sure how we can stop this happening because you can’t expect a neighbour to check his engine every time you wants to jump into his car and drive off.
I just know he’s a handsome boy who has lost two bits of his anatomy and I wish him the very best for the future.