Happy Christmas from Caroline

By Caroline

Here is my favorite holiday card for everyone at PoC, featuring! not one, but TWO ginger tabbies. Happy, Happy Holidays to You all here at Pictures of Cats! 🙂

Happy Christmas from Caroline
Happy Christmas from Caroline

Update: Another picture of Shrimp:

christmas cat


20 thoughts on “Happy Christmas from Caroline”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. You did such a lovely thing for those cats so lovely to hear they are now all safe and secure and leading happy fulfilled kitty lives:)

  3. Merry christmas Caroline!!
    Just seen this picture on FB oddly enough with the caption ‘wreck the tree and blame the doggies fa la la la la la la la la!!’ Funny 🙂 I love it!

  4. “Caps” was my favorite and his fur was like rabbit!And Thank you Leah.Back then in 2010 I had a colony of 27 and thanks to PoC,and everyone here I was able to get everyone of then spayed and neutered and I did get homes for them all!!!SO Merry Christmas everyone! And God Bless you ALL!

  5. And to you as well Caroline!Beautiful gingers!!! This is an old pic of my fav feral boy Caps from 2010 I posted here then for Christmas and seems appropriate even still.He was adopted by my friends on a farm and is living a very loving happy life still!!

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