I wish to express my deep gratitude to all the regular visitors to my website. I am indebted to you all. You are very important to me and to the site. You help motivate me to continue. You provide good advice. I sometimes adjust what I have written because of your comments and sometimes you simply refine an article.
I hope that you will stick around for 2018 and that we can continue to work together in the interests of cat welfare everywhere. May it be a good year for us and have a Happy Christmas.
My Very Best Wishes,
Michael Broad
This is one of the best cat blogs/boards I appreciate having access to it.
Thanks ME. Happy Christmas and may you have a really nice 2018.
I’m bad at the season greeting things since we don’t recognize any religion in our home. But my heartfelt best wishes for everyone here all the time no matter what day of the year it is.
Happy Christmas to you, Michael, and Gabriel and all the readers who are part of our feline loving community.
Thank you very much. Happy Christmas to you and yours too.
Happy Christmas to you also. I greatly appreciate you and your articles and look forward to many more years enjoying your insights.
Many thanks and Happy Christmas to you.
Have a great holiday and thanks for all you do.
Kind of you. Happy Christmas Michele.
Happy Christmas and Happy New Year to you too! You provide a valuable service to your members and we truly appreciate all that you do on behalf of cats everywhere.