Happy Ending For Dog Pictured Being Dragged Along By Rowan County Animal Control Officer

In a recent article by Elisa on the concerns regarding animal welfare at Rowan County Animal Control, a photograph showed a dog being dragged along rough tarmaced ground by his neck with an animal grasper. The person dragging the dog appears to be an animal control officer.

Rowan officer dragging dog
Rowan officer dragging dog

It is believed that this dog is now living in a loving home and his name is Jesse. He was adopted from Fayetteville Animal Protection Society (FAPS). FAPS received or inherited Jesse with three other feral dogs and is a mixed Tibetan Terrier.

Jesse before hair cut
Jesse before hair cut
Jesse after hair cut
Jesse after hair cut

I was pleased be receive an email by the person who adopted Jesse who told me about Jesse’s story with a happy ending. Jesse has a dog companion: AJ who is a Norfolk Terrier….

Jesse and AJ
Jesse and AJ

I feel it is quite important to provide follow-ups where possible on stories especially when the ending is a good one. My thanks to Mike, the person who contacted me.

6 thoughts on “Happy Ending For Dog Pictured Being Dragged Along By Rowan County Animal Control Officer”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Maybe if enough people contact this animal shelter he would? But NC don’t think much has changed for humane treatment of animals, I will contact them to voice my opinion

  3. That AC Officer, definitely, needs to go.
    That picture, alone, should have gone viral and caused an uproar.

  4. I live in Salisbury, Rowan County, NC and would like confirmation on this story before I proceed to contact local groups to get rid of ‘officer’. Thank You, Marilyn Harrison

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