A Harris County Protective Services employee is being hailed a hero for jumping into action to rescue a cat trapped inside a manhole in Houston.

Estella Olguin heard the cat crying in the Museum District and followed the sounds to an open manhole cover. She asked for assistance from a nearby witness to bring her a ladder, after which she climbed into the hole to rescue the cat.
“Fat Momma” is believed to be an elderly cat and is dehydrated from her ordeal. Estella stated during a March 27 interview with ABC13 News
“Maybe her new name will be Lucky or something because I was able to get her out before [the rain] starts. I just couldn’t leave her out here for days.”
It’s nice to know there are kind people out there who will go out of their way (and risk being suspended or terminated from their job) to rescue a cat in need.
No information has been posted at this time as to where the cat is now. Since the video pictures her in a cat carrier, I assume she’s going to a vet for a checkup and checked for a microchip.
Another kind soul who recently rescued a cat stuck on top of a power pole was suspended for his actions
From what I’ve read on Facebook about Estella, this isn’t her first time rescuing an animal. It’s nice to know she keeps her eyes and ears open for dogs and cats who need a helping hand.
Click here for the video if it does not show below:
Thank you to the kind human for rescuing this poor kitty. Maybe daily acts of kindness will keep multiplying. 💜💜🐾