He ran over someone’s cat and spent thousands on vet’s fees

Would you have done as well as Ben Allen? I am not sure I would have.

A cat jumps out in front of your car. You can’t avoid him. You run over him. You stop your car and wait from a gap in the traffic before grabbing him and rushing him to the nearest vet.

The cat has a damaged jaw and broken pelvis and the vet gives you two options: euthanise or pay several thousand dollars for surgery.

This is not your cat. You have no idea who cares for the cat. You decide to save the cat and pay up.

You then go in search of the cat’s “owner” using the Lost and Found Pets of Lexington Facebook group.

This is one of the good things about Facebook. This is when it really can be useful. He hasn’t found the cat’s owner yet but he has received some donations. Nowhere near the amount paid but he may get it all back. Something good often comes out of a good deed.

“I know it was the right thing to do,” Allen said.

An FB comment states. “Thanks for doing the right thing”.

It is about doing the right thing but how many of us could or would do it? The big decision was paying the large vet’s bill. I think a lot of people would stop and take the cat to the nearest but even that could be tricky. It can be difficult to handle an injured cat, find a vet in a possible a strange area and get priority treatment. But the money? A lot of people wouldn’t be able to afford it. They’d have to instruct the vet to euthanise and that makes the whole event doubly traumatic.

The truth is that a lot of people wouldn’t even stop. There is a moment when you are driving along and a cat shoots out and you know you have hit the cat when you decide to do the right or wrong thing. It is a split second decision which tells you what you are made of and what you know.

If you know and understand cats and care for a cat you’ll stop. If you are a dog lover and dislike cats but are a decent person you’ll still stop. I guess it is a test of character.

My thanks to Ruth aka Kattaddorra for finding this story.

10 thoughts on “He ran over someone’s cat and spent thousands on vet’s fees”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. I have never hit a cat with my car, I have hit a few small mammals and frogs, where there has never been a chance to avoid them. Each time this has happened, I have stopped to see if there was anything I could do to save the little one, or at least put it out of the agony I caused the animal. I feel sick to my stomach each time. Not squeamishness, just genuine distress.

    If I ever hit a cat, I would do all I could to get the cat the vet help it needed and I would pay for it. I would raise the money somehow if I did not have it. I’d also do all I could to find the cat’s human.

    Laugh all you want if you need, I have been called all the names under the sun for my choice of action over this sort of event.

    In the eyes of some, they may only be the tiny, insignificant lives of mice and frogs (or cats) but until I turned up it was still a life that I had no right to end. So hy not do th right thing.

    I think that Ben did the right thing. It is a sad world where simply doing the right, humane thing is questioned, especially with regard to punishing the owner with law suits.

  3. Ben is a gentleman and a very compassionate person if only there were more like him who just wanted to do the right thing.

    I remember the time I ran over a cat and I only did so because it was lying injured in the road. The car which was driving iin front of me ran it over and didn’t stop had he/she of done so then I would have had to stop as well but no I ran it over and felt it go under the wheels of the car. I got out and cried because the cat was squirming in the road his tail going round and round. I picked him up and someone living nearby stopped after seeing the whole thing and bought a blanket. I wrapped him up and placed him on the bonnet of the car which was warm but the cat lived for only minutes after and luckily we located the owner who lived not far away naturally he was devastated but thanked me for stopping.
    If only the person before me has stopped that cat may have survived with only minor injuries.
    I walked into our house with blood down my front and on the bonnet of the car and sobbing naturally my husband wondered what the heck had happened. I was devastated but at least I know I did the right thing as best as I could at the time.

  4. I am a responsible pet owner but who the hell are you?? I’m just glad that I live in the UK where thank God cats are still considered a ‘free spirit’ and are still able to roam around I would imagine you live in the states where to keep your cat safe you have to lock it away to protect it from people like YOU!

  5. So right. A very good man.
    The ways some people are today (let’s not mention any woodchip people), Ben even needs an award for stopping at all!

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