Posted on January 11, 2018 by Elisa Black-Taylor
“Hello my name is Julianne. I am a Anderson based house and petsitter that wants to help your family.”
Enough said. Please share and feel free to comment.
Here is a larger version of the advert (added by Michael) note the message at the top of the page:
I’m not saying a word…click here (page has been removed) for full ad. I included the date portion on my computer to show this is recent. Good luck with your new career, Julianne.
Sample comment on FB by Isabell Daniela Eling (accompanying the advert above):
“For those who are not familiar, Julianne Westberry is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of cats.”
And I no longer accept friend requests from people I don’t know. Too many fake profiles out there these days.