Helmi Flick Photographs are Educational

I always said that Helmi Flick photographs are educational. Sure, they are very pretty to. Tons of color, movement, cute moments, bright light. But on another level they are very clean and clear. They show the cat, the conformation, color and patterns of the cat. In short they are wonderfully educational.

British Shorthair cat
Photo copyright Helmi Flick. Please respect copyright.

And Scientific American agree with me as Helmi reports on her blog that they are going to use a photograph of hers of a champion British Shorthair cat. He is IW/SGC HMS Prescott of Chaucer “Scottie”. He was 2008 Alter (neutered) of the Year for TICA. Scottie is owned by Jeane Camarena and her daughter, Stephanie. The breeder is Harley DeVilbiss of HMS Cattery.

Well done Helmi and Ken Flick. I’d like to see lots more of this sort of thing happening with Helmi’s images as Helmi Flick photographs are educational. They educate us about the cat’s appearance. I actually think TICA and the other cat associations should use her photographs to illustrate the breed standards.

Scottie looks like a dilute solid and white. Wrong? Please tell me Helmi.

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Helmi Flick Photographs are Educational

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May 04, 2009
Scottie’s Color
by: Helmi Flick

Hi Michael! Scottie is a Blue and White British Shorthair Alter. Since Blue is a dilute of Black, then you could be correct saying he is a dilute and white but I believe the correct terminology is that he is a Blue and White BiColor British Shorthair Alter.

Maybe someone else could shed some light on the correct terminology?

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