by Richard
(Keyport NJ USA)
My littel Magpie, my bird
Here's my 3-4 month old ultra Persian.
Her nose is a bit long, her eyes a bit small and she has a slight occlusion (misalignment of jaws) therefore she can't be shown.
While I love her a lot- I don't think I'll ever have another ultra Persian. The maintenance is too extreme.
Surprisingly her coat is really easy to keep clean and knot free (regular bathing is the trick) - but the eye care is very burdensome and - because of her flat face - eating is a real chore for her and she needs supervision to make sure she eats enough.
Hi Richard.. thanks for popping by and sharing. And thanks too for mentioning the "inbuilt" health problems that go with the ultra Persian face.
It is nice to hear direct from cat caretakers about this. Breeders tend to underplay it for obvious reasons.
I am guessing that her name is "Magpie" or have I got that completely wrong!
Anyway, she is beautiful and cute even though she has health issues.
I have linked to this page from the Persian Cat Health page.
Richard, How is your Persian cat doing?
This is Michael. I hope he picks up your message but I doubt he will regrettably. Thanks for trying.