Hero garden landscaper raises over $180K for cat shelter that restored injured feline he found in front yard

This is a warm story reflecting the goodness within humanity. It special for that reason. It is good to be reminded that humankind has the capacity to be caring and giving when called upon. The vast majority of people are decent. I am pleased the story remind me of that simple fact.

Spencer with the injured cat he found in the front yard he was clearing out. The cat appears to have been injured by a dog as there were numerous puncture wounds.
Spencer with the injured cat he found in the front yard he was clearing out. The cat appears to have been injured by a dog as there were numerous puncture wounds. Screenshot.

TEXAS, USA: Spencer, known as SB Mowing, rescued an injured cat while clearing out an abandoned front yard covered in overgrown grass and weeds and brought the animal to Edgar and Ivy’s Cat Sanctuary as no other shelter was willing to help. He called seven cat rescues in all and Edgar and Ivy’s said YES. They take in the cats that other shelters reject.

To express his gratitude, he raised over $180K for the shelter which changed their lives as the shelter was struggling with funding as is typical of these usually excellent organisations.

He has a very successful YouTube channel with 1.5m followers which is astonishing and is the reason why he was able to raise a huge sum of money on a Go Fund Me fund raiser for the cat sanctuary that takes in cats no one else does. He was so impressed he donated $100 to kick off the massive $180,000 fundraiser. The man is a hero by anyone’s standards.

I am sure that his YouTube channel makes far more money in advertising than his landscaping but I am guessing.

Spencer with his $100 donation to get the fund raiser going which ended up raising $180,000!
Spencer with his $100 donation to get the fund raiser going which ended up raising $180,000!

Below is what he says about his video on the story. The video above is shorter and a news media version. I think Spencer saw an opportunity to make a nice video when he found the cat. But I think that in this instance it was a good thing. It motivated him to follow through on the cat rescue and it massively promoted this cat rescue which was probably struggling financially as many are. It is expensive running a cat rescue center.

I accidentally found this yard while heading to another job. It must have been fate because there were things that happened that I’ve never come across before. First and foremost, the yard was out of control because the owner didn’t pay their taxes and got foreclosed on 6 months ago. Next, I found an injured cat buried deep in the overgrowth and had to go on a rescue mission to save it’s live. Finally, a neighbor stopped to tell me how much this work benefits her daily life. I’m so happy that I’m able to do this work and wouldn’t change it for the world!

A couple of other observations:

  • He clears front and back yards as you can see. These yards are wonderful places for wildlife. He is destroying mini-wildlife sanctuaries! But don’t get me wrong; that’s just a casual observation.
  • Would he have rescued this cat if he did not have such a strong social media presence? He rightly saw an opportunity to make a good video for his YouTube channel. And the story as a whole has done him a lot of good as well as helping the cat and the cat rescue organisation which took him in.

My my observations are slightly cynical perhaps. But I am a realist and I strongly believe in what I have said.

More: Cats are valued more highly than deer as highlighted in this cat rescue from a tornado

Here is a follow up video. The monetary gift to the shelter is ‘like a miracle’. I think the money will make the shelter secure for many years to come.

These are all embedded videos that may stop working one day but I can’t control that.

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