Historically Lions Nearly Always Win Fights with Tigers
by Stephan
Lion Masai Mara Reserve - photo by Mikee Showbiz (Flickr)
Historically lions nearly always win fights with tigers and other large species. Historical documents prove this time and time again.
Although tigers may appear to be larger than some lions that is not always fact. Not to discredit biologist but they do not know everything! The HOLY Scriptures talk about the lion and its power and might. Lions are always willing to fight no matter what whereas tigers tend to be more hesitant, proven time and time again.
Tigers may appear to be stronger and hunt better but ask any fighter soldier, street fighter boxer whatever size and strength don't play much if you don't have the will to fight.
THE KING written in all three HOLY books, Bible, New Testament and HOLY Koran is testament to the power and glory of a true warrior and KING. No mention of the tiger.
This is not to discredit the tiger in anyway. It has and can beat a lion in a fight. However my opinion remains lions would normally win if pitted against tigers, bears or anything else.
Historically Lions Nearly Always Win Fights with Tigers to Lion vs Tiger
People from the East! The name “Singh” what does it translate late to i wonder!!! Well let me tell you Lion not Tiger so i say who is King!!!!!