Hoarder accumulated 30 tonnes of rubbish under which 15 rotting cats were found

This must be the ultimate case of hoarding both of objects and of cats. This is truly a shocking case. It happened in the UK. The lady in question, Elizabeth Blore, 61, lived in what we call a council house which is a house owned by the local authority and which is rented to the resident at a cheap rental.

Elizabeth lived with her brother Chris at this council owned property. She had 80 semi-feral or domestic cats roaming around her rubbish-filled house. The photographs are amazing I think.

Elizabeth and her brother were evicted from the house in 2012. The neighbours reported a putrid smell coming from the property caused by piles of cat faeces in the garden and in the house.

The house was cleared of the 30 tonnes of rubbish and fumigated. It took three months. When they removed the rubbish they found the skeletons of at least 15 cats. They were under bin bags. She and her brother moved back in. I presume she was convicted of animal welfare abuses at the time.

Moving forward to the present in a magistrates court, Elizabeth Blore admitted being in breach of a court order imposed in May 2012 prohibiting her from keeping cats. She was also prohibited from feeding cats.

On 4 May 2017 animal welfare officers and police officers went to her home to make sure that she was obeying the court order of five years ago.

When they entered of the property there was excrement from the cat in the living room. There was an adult cat upstairs with newborn kittens. Elizabeth said that the cat was a stray and that the kittens were four weeks old. She said that “they have taken the cat’s away now so I don’t have any cats.”

She was found guilty of being in breach of the court order. She was fined under £140. She had to pay prosecution costs of a £85 pounds and a surcharge of £35.

This is the story of the lady who lived in a house with 30 tonnes of rubbish, 15 rotting cats under the rubbish and 80 semi-feral cats on top of the rubbish.

8 thoughts on “Hoarder accumulated 30 tonnes of rubbish under which 15 rotting cats were found”

  1. I wish you well. Please start the clean up. Start immediately. And ask why you hoard and seek help to stop it. Do you hoard cats? Thanks for commenting.

  2. I know that I am a hoarder and I need help with cleaning it up. My sister will not come while we have rats in the house.

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