Photo: Tjflex2
A page about home treatment for cat constipation. I won’t describe the symptoms of constipation – we know them. Cats can suffer from the same problem. Some of the treatments are based on human treatments.
What happens
When feces are retained in the colon for two or three days they become hard and dry. This makes them painful and a struggle to eliminate (polite word). Normally a cat will poop once or twice a day and perhaps once every 2 days if on a low-residue diet. Most cats aren’t on this sort of diet so the standard once a day should be expected but less doesn’t mean constipation provided the stools are soft and normal.
{note: straining to go may be due to colitis or FUS – Feline Urologic Syndrome. These need to be ticked off in a diagnosis before treating for constipation – colitis is an inflammation of the colon or large intestine}
Some causes of constipation
- a low fiber and high in concentrated meat protein diet can cause constipation. This cause lends itself to a home treatment for cat constipation (src: Cat Owner’s Home Veterinary Handbook by Dr. Carlson and Dr. Giffin)
- a high fiber diet can result in larger stools, which in turn can lead to constipation (src: Your Cat by Dr. Hodgkins). This would seem to clash with the above but may not as both can cause constipation under certain conditions.
- hair balls are a common cause of hard stools.
- eating products/foods that are impossible to digest such as grass, cellulose, cloth and paper for example can result in compacted feces and constipation.
- the cat voluntarily overriding the urge to go to the toilet due to the presence of a number of factors and circumstances namely, strange surroundings (change in environment such as moving home), a refusal to use a dirty litter tray, going into a boarding cattery, a new cat in the house.
- Older and less active cats can have reduced bowel movements and weaker abdominal wall muscles.
- constipation is sometimes due to a condition called megacolon (this condition can also be caused by constipation). This is the permanent stretching of the colon and rectum. (see a veterinarian about this).
- another possible cause is pain because of a fractured hip or pelvis (caused by a road traffic accident, for example). A narrowing of the pelvic canal due to the healing process after an accident can cause constipation.
- a narrowing of the rectum due to polyps or small tumors can also produce constipation.
- I’m going to add my little contribution and say that inactivity can promote the onset of constipation. In other words it may be a factor which exacerbates the situation.
- cats on medication (antibiotics) could suffer from constipation as a side effect of the medication. A laxative (see below) may the answer.
- parasite infestations.
- not drinking enough water will compound problems.
- dehydration that can happen in cats with renal disease can cause constipation.
Cat constipation – Signs/Symptoms
If our cat uses a litter we’ll be familiar with our cat’s stools. As I have said previously you can tell quite a lot, as a layperson, about your cat’s health from his or her stools (yes I know it’s a bit gruesome but we have to monitor our cat’s health and this is one good way). If we are close to our cats (emotionally I mean) we can tell if something is wrong and indeed may notice her straining to go and not producing. Constipation is best dealt with early.
A cat with chronic constipation caused by fecal impaction often eliminate a watery almost liquid stool that could be mistaken for the opposite condition, diarrhea, when in fact it will be a liquid stool forced around the impacted stool in the colon.
Our cat won’t be going to the toilet as frequently or regularly. This should be readily apparent if like me you do the litter. She/he may also have a bloated and lethargic appearance and not eat as heartily as usual. She may look a little agitated around or in the litter and/or meow (in discomfort) when she goes.
Home treatments
Removing the conditions under which constipation occurs should ensure long term success. I’m going to initially refer to treating humans for constipation. The classic human treatment is to turn to a high fiber diet. In the UK that can be All Bran cereal and prunes – the classic old man’s breakfast! This and other high fiber foods will usually work, for humans, or at least help a lot and if not it’s down to laxatives, the milder the better initially.
Turning to cats. As a common cause of constipation is dietary (the first item in the list above) a change in diet would be called for as a good starting point for dealing with this condition.
The Cat Owner’s Home Veterinary Handbook has these recommendations:
- There are commercial high fiber cat foods, which are formulated for senior cats (I guess the food will be labeled accordingly). These cat foods contain more fiber and less fat than average commercial cat foods. If these fail to assist try Hill’s Science Diet Feline Light (I think this called “l/d”), which is a dry food or Hill’s Feline “w/d” or “r/d” (this one is expensive as far as I remember and at one time could only be bought at veterinarian surgeries). w/d and r/d is available in wet and dry food. Personally I would prefer the wet food as does Dr. Hodgkins who is the author of Your Cat and a cat food specialist veterinarian. Dry food places a requirement on the cat to drink more water, which may mean less water intake, which in turn can lead to urinary tract complications. This assessment is made through personal observation and experiences with my own cat companion. recommend (more as a preventative measure when feeding dry food) to add a tablespoon of olive oil to the dry food. This may or may not be acceptable to our cat, however.
- Another form of home treatment for cat constipation recommended by the authors of the above book is to add bulk-producing laxative and fiber supplement such as Metamucil. This product is for people, which shows how similar certain illnesses suffered by cats are to those suffered by people. This product can be effective for mild constipation. Dare I say it I use something similar myself as I take medication that causes constipation. I use Fibre Sure (must be a UK product because of the spelling of Fibre). These laxatives work by absorbing water in the colon and soften the feces and promote defecation. Metamucil is an American product (I think) but available in the UK.
- Another product that would fall into the category of home treatment for cat constipation (and not mentioned in The Cat Owner’s Home Veterinary Handbook) is Nutrifyba 250g, which is a dietary supplement and which helps maintain normal bowel function.
Other forms of laxatives are “stimulant laxatives”. These may not be suitable for repeated, indefinite use. One such product is Katalax. This is designed to help remove hair balls and contains soft paraffin, cod live oil and malt extract. Another is Laxatone. This is bought in a tube and comes in Tuna flavor. This is an American product I believe and may not be available in the UK.
Addressing the other causes above:
4. Removing “disruptions” in the life of a cat (cats like routines) is another useful form of home treatment for cat constipation. Although new events are sometimes unavoidable they will or should resolve over time whereupon the cat will settle. A mild laxative as referred to above may suffice.
5. Regular brushing/grooming by us, particularly for a long haired cat, is essential really and will help minimize hair balls one cause of constipation.
6. Clearly a well cared for litter tray is a prerequisite to remove any possibility that the cat is voluntarily not going due to inadequate toilet facilities. In addition, as much exercise as possible is always good for health and can aid the digestive tract and bowel movement. I can speak from personal experience……
7. Long term, if we are up to it, perhaps the perfect dietary remedy is to make our own cat food from raw products. Although this must be done to a good standard and with the proper supplements to replicate a wild cat’s prey. I made a post about this here and another here: raw food diet.
8. Plenty of play, human and/or other cat or pet interaction will help keep our cats exercised and important factor in preventing constipation.
9. Other products to consider (type these – one at a time – into Google search to find suppliers). These are herbal and natural remedies and supplements etc.:
- Purrfectly Natural Gourmet is recommended (USA only?)
- PetAlive Natural Moves(available in the UK and USA)–Pet Essences (UK available)
- King Bio Natural Medicine (USA) explore the website
- (USA) explore the website for remedies
Other causes can only be dealt with by a veterinarian, who should be consulted if in any doubt.
Update March 2011: A visitor shared her experience in using mineral oil mixed with we cat food
Home treatment for cat constipation – Other sources:
Note: Photo: this cat is (or “was”, but I really hope that he is still alive – the photo taken 2 years ago) called Babado. He had a neurological disorder that caused symptoms including constipation. He is a survivor. He is photographed in a cat shelter. He is a character. I like this cat a lot. I want to give him a kiss.
Finally, there is a great page on cat constipation on the Simple Wag website. Visit it by clicking on this link.
It’s been a little over 2 years since I posted about my solutions to Mitzy’s constipation. In re-reading, I notice that I didn’t mention using Lactulose, (a prescription) which did help. However, when I switched vets, after a disturbing event, the 2nd vet said Mitzy would have to be on Lactulose the rest of her life, 4 x a day! (She was NOT diagnosed with MedgaColon!) I didn’t believe the vet. The high fiber dry food was helping, but I wanted to get her off dry food.
So, I began giving her raw ground meat mixed with Feline Pre-Mix powder supplement, which seemed to help a lot. I also began to put a little water in each meal, since she wasn’t drinking much, other than a little goat milk.
In the past year or so, I’ve taken away all dry food, and just give commercial raw, currently RAD CAT venison flavor. She hasn’t been constipated in 2 years! I’ve read of other cat guardians who’ve transitioned their cat to raw, with many wonderful results, especially with eliminating constipation.
I’ve recently introduced a small amount of RAWZ dry food at night, so she doesn’t wake me up at 3am to eat. This seems to give her softer, but fully formed stools, which is always preferable to small, hard, dry stools. I keep Lactulose in her first aid kit, but haven’t had to use it in a couple of years.
Her usual meals are raw, mixed with a 1/4 tsp.D-Mannose (to prevent UTI) and Dr. Jones Ultimate Feline supplement, and 2 crushed Nautures’ Variety Toppers. . I vary her diet, with slightly cooked chicken, beef, pork, or turkey. Also, Fussie Cat canned once in awhile. Coconut oil is her only treat, and when I say “co-co!”, she comes running and jumps on my lap….to lap it up!
I use the flea comb twice a day, which removes some of her excess fur. She loves it. She hasn’t had any fleas in quite awhile, since I use Advantage. I wish I didn’t have to, but I can’t take the chance of her getting fleas. I’ve used products that “repel” fleas, but I want them dead, not just repelled. I’ve tried many products in an effort to keep her “flea free” but nothing has worked as well as Advantage.