Homeopathy Cures Cat of Autism Caused by Vaccination

This interesting story throws up questions which should be aired.  Can vaccinations cause autism in cats?  Indeed, can cats become autistic? And finally, can homoeopathy cure a cat of autism?

Reggie the cat who had autism caused by vaccinations

The first question I have for myself is, “what are the symptoms of autism?”.  In children the symptoms are extensive.  In general terms, the symptoms are that the child fails to interact with other people in the normal way.  In layperson’s terms they are unsociable.  Autistic kids tend to have repetitive motions.  They reject cuddles and react negatively when asked to do something.

Dr Marcie Fallek, a holistic vet with practices in New York and Connecticut, firmly believes that cats can be autistic. Reggie, a 3-year-old cat, showed signs of being autistic at the time she was adopted as a kitten by Sheila.  Symptoms of autism became apparent immediately after she had her first set of vaccinations. She has had no more vaccinations.

How did they decide that Reggie had become autistic due to vaccinations?

Reggie didn’t make eye contact with anyone from the moment she entered her home. She wouldn’t let anybody touch her. She was hyperactive running around the home knocking into things.  Despite living in a home where there were 4 cats and 2 dogs, she wouldn’t respond to human or animal contact.  Sometimes her behaviour was repetitive such as swatting a venetian blind obsessively.  During a hurricane she clung onto the window shades for hours, motionless.

Dr Fallek said:

“A lot of vets would say there’s nothing wrong and don’t waste your money on this cat, but Sheila is sensitive to her animals. She and I both knew that something was seriously wrong with Reggie,”

Dr Fallek decided to treat Reggie with a homeopathic remedy used as an antidote to negative vaccination reactions.  She did this because she believes that vaccinations can result in autism.

The treatment appears to have been a success in that Reggie became much more relaxed and more comfortable in herself.  She began to interact with people and animals more freely and she slept with her owner for the first time.  She made eye contact and let people pet her.

It appears that the symptoms of autism have disappeared. The cat’s owner and the veterinarian say that this is a good argument that the vaccination caused autism and that the homeopathic treatment resolved the condition.


There is a lot of controversy about vaccinations causing autism in children.  The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) state on their website that vaccines do not cause autism.  They state that studies have shown that there is no link between vaccinations and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).  That appears to be the official line taken by the authorities but the public struggle to accept it.

The major medical groups say that vaccines don’t cause autism but many parents are worried and they believe that they might.  People want to be sure that when they put their child or their cat through a vaccination program that there will be no lifelong negative health consequences.

I had not heard, until today, of a cat suffering from autism.  To say that it was caused by vaccinations is another interesting discussion point. Homeopathy is also controversial. The establishment and medical practitioners of conventional medicine in general decry it.

Source: ‘Homeopathy Helps Autistic Cat’ Claims Dr. Marcie Fallek — NEW YORK, June 5, 2015 /PRNewswire/ —

9 thoughts on “Homeopathy Cures Cat of Autism Caused by Vaccination”

  1. I realise that the concept of homeopathy is difficult to believe but believe it some people do. I suppose the more interesting aspect of this story is the possibility that vaccinations can cause autism in cats. I believe that needs to be discussed.

  2. Homeopathy:
    The more a substance is diluted, the more potent it is.
    Hence, if you forget to give a dose to your cat, he may end up with an overdose. 🙂

    “since the least amount of a substance in a solution is one molecule, a 30C solution would have to have at least one molecule of the original substance dissolved in a minimum of 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 [or 10^60] molecules of water. This would require a container more than 30,000,000,000 times the size of the Earth.”

    Park is also quoted as saying that, “to expect to get even one molecule of the ‘medicinal’ substance allegedly present in 30X pills, it would be necessary to take some two billion of them, which would total about a thousand tons of lactose plus whatever impurities the lactose contained”.

    I would suggest you to read the full article

    Otherwise, I am willing to sell you a vial of purified spirit auras, it has cured my cat of all its ailments.
    It’s only $99, free shipping included. Please contact me directly.

  3. I am the same as you. I have always believed that vaccinations can cause serious health problems like autism in children. The science has been muddied up by the authorities and the big pharma companies. They do it because overall they believe vaccinations are good which is true but for some kids they cause problems. There is no reason why the same bad reactions can’t exist in cats and we know that vaccinations cause other health issues in cats such as cancer etc..

    I think this story is quite important although it won’t be well reported and conventional medicine will brush it under the carpet.

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