Homeopathy Cures Cat of Autism Caused by Vaccination

This interesting story throws up questions which should be aired.  Can vaccinations cause autism in cats?  Indeed, can cats become autistic? And finally, can homoeopathy cure a cat of autism?

Reggie the cat who had autism caused by vaccinations

Two useful tags. Click either to see the articles:- Toxic to cats | Dangers to cats

The first question I have for myself is, “what are the symptoms of autism?”.  In children the symptoms are extensive.  In general terms, the symptoms are that the child fails to interact with other people in the normal way.  In layperson’s terms they are unsociable.  Autistic kids tend to have repetitive motions.  They reject cuddles and react negatively when asked to do something.

Dr Marcie Fallek, a holistic vet with practices in New York and Connecticut, firmly believes that cats can be autistic. Reggie, a 3-year-old cat, showed signs of being autistic at the time she was adopted as a kitten by Sheila.  Symptoms of autism became apparent immediately after she had her first set of vaccinations. She has had no more vaccinations.

How did they decide that Reggie had become autistic due to vaccinations?

Reggie didn’t make eye contact with anyone from the moment she entered her home. She wouldn’t let anybody touch her. She was hyperactive running around the home knocking into things.  Despite living in a home where there were 4 cats and 2 dogs, she wouldn’t respond to human or animal contact.  Sometimes her behaviour was repetitive such as swatting a venetian blind obsessively.  During a hurricane she clung onto the window shades for hours, motionless.

Dr Fallek said:

“A lot of vets would say there’s nothing wrong and don’t waste your money on this cat, but Sheila is sensitive to her animals. She and I both knew that something was seriously wrong with Reggie,”

Dr Fallek decided to treat Reggie with a homeopathic remedy used as an antidote to negative vaccination reactions.  She did this because she believes that vaccinations can result in autism.

The treatment appears to have been a success in that Reggie became much more relaxed and more comfortable in herself.  She began to interact with people and animals more freely and she slept with her owner for the first time.  She made eye contact and let people pet her.

It appears that the symptoms of autism have disappeared. The cat’s owner and the veterinarian say that this is a good argument that the vaccination caused autism and that the homeopathic treatment resolved the condition.

There is a lot of controversy about vaccinations causing autism in children.  The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) state on their website that vaccines do not cause autism.  They state that studies have shown that there is no link between vaccinations and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).  That appears to be the official line taken by the authorities but the public struggle to accept it.

The major medical groups say that vaccines don’t cause autism but many parents are worried and they believe that they might.  People want to be sure that when they put their child or their cat through a vaccination program that there will be no lifelong negative health consequences.

I had not heard, until today, of a cat suffering from autism.  To say that it was caused by vaccinations is another interesting discussion point. Homeopathy is also controversial. The establishment and medical practitioners of conventional medicine in general decry it.

Source: ‘Homeopathy Helps Autistic Cat’ Claims Dr. Marcie Fallek — NEW YORK, June 5, 2015 /PRNewswire/ —

9 thoughts on “Homeopathy Cures Cat of Autism Caused by Vaccination”

  1. Homeopathy:
    The more a substance is diluted, the more potent it is.
    Hence, if you forget to give a dose to your cat, he may end up with an overdose. 🙂

    “since the least amount of a substance in a solution is one molecule, a 30C solution would have to have at least one molecule of the original substance dissolved in a minimum of 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 [or 10^60] molecules of water. This would require a container more than 30,000,000,000 times the size of the Earth.”

    Park is also quoted as saying that, “to expect to get even one molecule of the ‘medicinal’ substance allegedly present in 30X pills, it would be necessary to take some two billion of them, which would total about a thousand tons of lactose plus whatever impurities the lactose contained”.

    I would suggest you to read the full article

    Otherwise, I am willing to sell you a vial of purified spirit auras, it has cured my cat of all its ailments.
    It’s only $99, free shipping included. Please contact me directly.

    • I realise that the concept of homeopathy is difficult to believe but believe it some people do. I suppose the more interesting aspect of this story is the possibility that vaccinations can cause autism in cats. I believe that needs to be discussed.

  2. I think the important thing isn’t the diagnosis, but that the extreme vacinne reaction was helped with homeopathics.

    I have a friend who has used these remedies quite successfully with all kinds of issues with her adopted stray/feral cats.

    • I am certainly open to trying homeopathy and other alternative treatments. Conventional medicine can be quite brutal I believe. We are getting better at conventional medicine.

  3. Whilst I agree that vaccinations can cause short-term and permanent side-effects, I’m struggling to understand how a diagnosis of autism in cats is reached.

    There are a spectrum of conditions (including Aspergers) which fall under the classification of autism in humans and individuals are affected to differing degrees. It should be noted that autistic people are not anti-social as such. They tend to have problems socially, because they are not good at reading facial expressions or recognising emotions and feelings in others. However, if you engage them in a conversation about something they are interested in, they can be very talkative.

    For me, a cat behaving anti-socially is not sufficient to confirm autism. It’s not uncommon for animals to feel temporarily unwell after being vaccinated and we know that when cats don’t feel good, they often hide away or want to be left alone. I agree that Reggie was suffering some kind of negative reaction to the vaccine, which thankfully was treated successfully by the vet, but I’m not convinced that autism was the cause.

  4. This is a re-post since the previous one was deleted. I have no doubt that the vaccine caused autism in this cat. I’ve been doing some research on human vaccines, and find that the ingredients are undesirable and potentially harmful.

    Does anyone recall the warnings about aluminum cookware?
    I stopped using it shortly after. But aluminum is one of the vaccine ingredients, going directly into our bloodstream, and that of our animal’s.

    Potentially harmful ingredients:

    Forty years ago, there was a widely held misconception amongst the veterinary field that vaccines could be given over and over again without any apparent harm to the animal. Within that time frame, vets have learned that vaccines last a lot longer than a year and most likely for the life of the animal. More recently, the dangers of vaccination have been brought to light. Some vets are paying attention while others still use repeated vaccination either as a way to protect their income or because they don’t believe or haven’t kept current on recent research.

    Pet owners have two choices: they can be passive and allow their vet to decide whether and how often their pets are vaccinated, or they can research vaccine safety and efficacy themselves and start taking a more active role. For those pet owners who wish to actively protect their pets from unnecessary vaccination, here are five vaccine ingredients they should be familiar with.


    Aluminum is the most common adjuvant in veterinary vaccines. Aluminum is known to cause degeneration of the brain and nervous system and neurological dysfunction. It promotes brain inflammation, oxidative damage, reduces the levels of brain antioxidants (i.e., glutathione) and disturbs calcium homeostasis. In the immature and developing brain, it might lead to a number of neurodevelopmental conditions in humans, such as autism spectrum disorders and seizures. In the mature, and especially the aging brain, these mechanisms can lead to progressive neurodegeneration, such as Alzheimer’s disease and ALS. Alzheimers disease is caused by plaque formation in the brain and chemical analysis shows an aluminum core at the root of each plaque.

    Research at UC Davis in California suggests as many as 39% of aging dogs have at least one sign of dementia. The affected dogs were found to have the same plaques seen in Alzheimer’s patients. Leading immunologist Hugh Fudenberg MD, says that humans who received five flu vaccinations between 1970 and 1980 are ten times more likely to get Alzheimer’s Disease than those who had only one or two shots. Fudenberg attributes this to aluminum and mercury, which almost every flu vaccine contains. The gradual accumulation of aluminum and mercury in the brain leads to cognitive dysfunction.

    To learn more about how aluminum creates neurological disorders, read Dr Russell Blaylock’s recent contribution to Current Inorganic Chemistry.


    This mercury based vaccine additive has been used as a preservative for decades – and apparently the extreme neurotoxicity that mercury in general and Thimerosal in particular have also been known for decades.

    In 1935, Eli Lilly (the creator of Thimerosal), was contacted by veterinary vaccine manufacturer Pittman-Moore after they declared Thimerosal as completely safe. Pittman-Moore wrote to them:

    “We have obtained marked local reaction in about 50% of the dogs injected with serum containing dilutions of Merthiolate (Thimerosal). Merthioiate is unsatisfactory as a preservative for serum intended for use on dogs.” (Director of Biological Services, Pittman-Moore Company, letter to Dr. Jamieson of Eli Lilly Company dated 1935. U.S. Congressional Record, May 21, 2003, E1018, page 9).

    Since then, studies have been repeated to show the dangers of Thimerosal.

    In 1967, a study in Applied Microbiology found Thimerosal killed mice when added to vaccines. In 1972, Eli Lilly found Thimerosal to be “toxic to tissue cells” in concentrations as low as one part per million (PPM), 100 times weaker than the in a typical vaccine. Despite all of this ongoing and emerging data, Eli Lilly “continued to promote Thimerosal as ‘nontoxic,’” even including Thimerosal in topical disinfectants. In 1977, ten babies at a Toronto hospital died when an antiseptic preserved with Thimerosal was dabbed on their umbilical cords. In 1982, the FDA proposed a ban on over-the-counter products containing Thimerosal. In 1991 the FDA considered banning Thimerosal from animal vaccines.

    Finally, in 2006, researchers at UC Davis published a study connecting thimerosal with disruptions in antigen presenting cells known as dendritic cells obtained from mice. Researchers and parents had previously proposed links between childhood vaccines and autism, a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects language skills and social interactions. The UC Davis study indicates that in addition to being a direct neurotoxicant, Thimerosal may also be an immunotoxicant, leaving the immune system vulnerable to microbes and other external influences. Samuel R. Goth et al., Uncoupling of ATP-Mediated Calcium Signaling and Dysregulated Interleukin-6 Secretion in Dendritic Cells by Nanomolar Thimerosal.

    Today, most veterinary vaccines still contain Thimerosal, despite the dire warning signs that have been present for nearly a century. Why is Thimerosal necessary for vaccines? Well, it turns out it isn’t. Thimerosal has one function – it allows vaccine manufacturers to package vaccines in multi-dose vials which means that each vaccine will cost a few dollars less. Thimerosal would be completely unnecessary if vaccines were manufactured in single dose vials.


    Contaminants found in vaccines are also behind many of the adverse reactions we see in dogs. “Contaminant” means anything that shouldn’t be there: something that is impure or unclean, is toxic or poisonous, or has the ability to create disease. Vaccines contain all sorts of contaminants that can cause cancer, leukemia, autoimmune diseases and a myriad of other unwanted conditions.

    In April 2010, an important scientific paper was published in the Journal of Virology (Isolation of an Infectious Endogenous Retrovirus [RD-114] in a Proportion of Live Attenuated Vaccines for Pets, Journal of Virology, April 2010, p 3690-3694, Vol 84, No 7). This paper showed how two teams of scientists, in Japan and the UK, isolated a feline retrovirus (called RD-114) in both feline and canine vaccines in the UK and Japan. Had teams from America, or Germany, or Kazakhstan also been looking, they would probably have found the retrovirus, too. This is because the contamination involved seed stock – the witches’ brew of disease shared amongst vaccine manufacturers internationally, from which they make their vaccines.

    The following are extracts from a related paper appearing in Biologicals in 2010. “RD-114 was first isolated from a human tumor cell line (RD cells) derived from a human rhabdomyosarcoma after passage through fetal cats, and is thought to be xenotropic.”

    Translation: they found this cat retrovirus in a highly malignant human tumor. “Xenotropic” means that it will be harmless in the original host species, but will cause problems (like tumors) in a different species.

    In her article on Vaccine Contaminants in the January 2013 issue of Dogs Naturally Magazine, author Catherine O’Driscoll continues, “One of the authors of this paper wrote to me privately: “If the ERV induces diseases in vaccinated animals and humans, it will take more than five years (in animals) to ten years (in humans) when the first patient appears. But it will take additional time to relate some diseases with specific vaccines because expected diseases are very common (such as cancers, lymphoma and autoimmune diseases). If so, when we are aware of the real risk of ERVs, it is too late because millions are infected with the viruses by the contaminated vaccines.””

    The only official checks made for contaminants in vaccines are for a few known pathogens, potentially missing a vast host of unknown, unstudied, small particles and chemicals. It’s simply impossible to remove contaminants from vaccines.

    Animal Protein

    Disease micro-organisms are often cultured on animal tissue including embryonic chickens or cow fetuses. When a vaccine is manufactured, it is impossible to divide the wanted virus from the unwanted animal tissue, so it all gets ground up together and injected into your dog’s body.

    If a dog eats animal flesh or an egg, it is digested (broken down) into simpler amino acids before entering the bloodstream. The digestive process in most cases changes protein molecules so they don’t trigger an immune reaction. This is not the case for vaccines, since they are injected undigested, directly into the bloodstream, where they the foreign protein matter circulates throughout the body.

    When the body detects the presence of the foreign proteins, an immune response is triggered. Killer cells (white blood cells or phagocytes) are then sent out to consume the cells containing the foreign proteins and protein fragments. This process is nature’s way of protecting the body from being overwhelmed by invading organisms and eventually succumbing to them. The foreign protein fragments are not always destroyed by the body as it is busy cleaning up the multiple viruses that have just been injected, along with the serious chemical spill of aluminum, Thimerosal, formaldehyde and more. So the foreign protein matter gets absorbed into body cells. T-Cells, sensing they are there, but unable to reach them directly, attack the body cells that harbor them. This can lead to autoimmune disorders including cancer, allergies, arthritis and more.

    “Our ongoing studies of dogs show that following routine vaccination, there is a significant level of antibodies dogs produce against their own tissues…Some of these antibodies have been shown to target the thyroid gland, the connective tissue such as that found in the valves of the heart, red blood cells, DNA etc.” Larry Glickman DVM, referring to the results of the Purdue Vaccine Studies.

    • I believe that vaccinations DO cause autism in children. This is the first time I had heard about it in animals.

      Thiomersal/thimerosal used to be one of the preservatives used in contact lens saline solution and regular solution. In the late 1970’s, I started wearing contact lenses. One morning, a couple of years after receiving my first pair, I woke after the sun had come up. The room was mostly dark, but when I turned on the light, my eyes felt like someone shoved a red-hot poker into them. No matter what I did, the sensation lasted all day. I couldn’t wear my contacts at all. The eye doctor told me not to use the solutions any more and gave me salt tablets to dissolve in distilled water. I had to use that with a machine that boiled the saline inside of the contact case in order to disinfect the lenses. It took many years before manufacturers changed preservatives.

      It is a miracle that I did not have autism from my childhood vaccinations because obviously I am allergic to Thimerosal. Because of my experience, I definitely believe that others with a similar allergy are having horrific reactions to thimerosal being injected into their bodies. Once inside, the body can’t get rid of any allergens, so the only recourse is autism or something similar. The manufacturers should change their preservative. They will still make a lot of money because everyone needs to be vaccinated against disease.

      Sadly, mercury poisoning has been know about for many years. That is why the hatters became mad. The mercury was poisoning their minds and bodies.

      • I am the same as you. I have always believed that vaccinations can cause serious health problems like autism in children. The science has been muddied up by the authorities and the big pharma companies. They do it because overall they believe vaccinations are good which is true but for some kids they cause problems. There is no reason why the same bad reactions can’t exist in cats and we know that vaccinations cause other health issues in cats such as cancer etc..

        I think this story is quite important although it won’t be well reported and conventional medicine will brush it under the carpet.


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