A little less than a week ago a tip off was received by phone at the Houston SPCA reporting a burned mother cat and her four 8-week-old kittens. According to authorities, this precious family was tortured and doused with some type of acid and left to die in Southwest Houston at an apartment complex.
The Houston SCPA has been caring for this critically burned family after being rescued by their 24-hour Animal Rescue Ambulance, and posted the following statement on their Facebook page.

“Under our loving care for just 72 hours, the burned cat and kittens continue their recovery. Houston SPCA veterinarian Dr. Amy Crum said, ‘They’re continuing to improve. We’re not out of the woods yet, but they’re looking better every day.’
The Houston SPCA is offering a $5,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the suspect(s). This isn’t the first case of severe animal cruelty in the area. Just two weeks ago two cats were found with their legs broken. Investigators say the two cases may be connected.
Precinct 1 Constable Alan Rosen is leading his deputies on the hunt to find the person responsible, and see these kittens and their mother find justice.
“It’s always a shock that a human being could torture an animal like this. We really would like to solve this.”
The mother and her kittens are receiving pain medication to keep them comfortable, along with antibiotics and other medications. With burns this severe, the greatest danger is infection. Veterinarian Dr. Amy Crum with the Houston SPCA says the kittens are continuing to improve. The risk they won’t survive such a horrific injury is still there, but they’re getting better each day.
Dispatch can be reached at (713) 755-7628 if you have any information.
Please share this article with friends, especially those in the Houston area. Whoever did this is a danger not only to other animals, but to people. This person is likely bragging about setting fire to this cat family, and will most likely be the deciding factor in getting them caught.
Investigative reporting is going to focus on your rants, Jimbo. I expect that you will be made public.
Your description of him is a good one 😉
Thank you Michael for letting me know more about Woodsman.now I have seen a photo of him it makes more sense,he looks just like I thought he would,a horrible and angry man and a pathetic excuse for a human being.
Woody you’ve said it all before and you are extremely boring and all the crude disgusting things you say about us apply to YOU yourself, not to us.
Hmm…. let’s see ….deleted because it was written by a demented hater of all things.
We believe Barry Schmidt is the notorious troll Jim Stephenson aka Woodsman.