by Michelle
(Palm Harbor, FL)
Vader looking awfully cute and relaxed
Hi..My cat's name is Vader and he looks very similiar to Arthur. How can we find out for sure what breed our Vader is? I have included a picture too. My husband was giving him his daily scratch down (which he loves and gets really into.
His temperament is sweet and cuddly, but playful and opinionated. He let's you know when he wants something and if he wants attention (which he does constantly) he won't take no for an answer (not that we would ever say no... I mean look at that face!).
If you do ignore him too long he may lick you to death. LOL! Additionally, he appears black in the picture, but when the light hits him he is a deep chocolate color.
He also has one large whitish patch on his belly and a few grayish patches under is front and back legs (in the arm pit areas). As you can see by the picture, he has the medium coat and the very fluffy tail.
He is also so soft we often joke that we want to shave him and make a blanket of his fur (we would never do so though).
Hi Michelle... Your question is a good one. Vader does look like a Tiffany (I made your nice photo a bit lighter by the way). A point worth making, I think, is that the breed was created from cats like Vader. So although there are no certificates issued from cat associations that confirm that Vader is a Tiffany he might be one.
But you need papers to prove it. And it is only with a documented pedigree that you can say that your cat is a purebred cat of a certain type short of genetic analysis (if there is a database of DNA profiles of the cat breeds and I don't think there is).
All that said Vader is gorgeous and loved and you can't do better than that.....Michael
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