How do cats find their way home?


Cats use a sensitivity to the earth’s magnetic field to navigate home over long distances. This has not been proved beyond doubt but science is gradually realising that this is what is going on. There are many stories of cats finding their way home. They have a great homing instinct but we should describe this as good good navigations skills coupled with a determination to be within their home range.

Firstly, I’ll quickly describe the earth’s magnetic field, which is similar to a bar magnet only it is tilted through 11 degrees from the axis of the earth.

It is believed that electric currents in the molten magnetic core of the earth creates its magnetic field.

Earth's magnetic field
Earth’s magnetic field: Source

How does a cat use the earth’s magnetic field to navigate?

You probably know that the compasses that we buy pick up the earth’s magnetic field and tell us where north, south, east and west are. From this information we can more easily navigate home. It helps to navigate in a car if you know where north is. Even without a compass, you can tell where north is by observing the roads, major landmarks and the sun. You should know if major roads run north-south or east-west and where major landmarks are in relation to your position. The sun tracks across the south. From all this information you can get a bearing on which direction you are travelling in. state: ‘Animals navigate with magnetic cells’. They say that animals have specialized cells which pick up the earth’s magnetic field. It is believed that humans also have ‘magnetic cells’.

Scientists discovered these cells in the noses of trout which respond to magnetism. We know that fish (and birds) have superb navigation skills over long range.

The scientists have discovered magnetite inside these cells. This is an material rich in iron and sensitive to magnetic fields. How the system works remains a mystery but a signal must be sent to the brain via nerves from these cells which is processed to orientate the animal.

I will, therefore, speculate with some confidence that domestic cats have magnetic cells to help them navigate home. There will be other methods going on as well, I suspect, somewhat as I have described for humans. And we know that cats have good spacial skills because some cats patrol their territory and return to their home (our house/apartment) when they are outdoor cats.

Various theories have been proposed about cats’ navigation skills, one of which touched on the paranormal (Psi trailing), but sensing the earth’s magnetic field is by far the best.

2 thoughts on “How do cats find their way home?”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Since so many cats never return home once they leave, I’m thinking that as with any other skill or talent, cats, like people, have varying degrees of ability.

    It’s been said that we are all “psychic” to one degree or another, and I think a similar thing might be said about cats being able to navigate their way back home.

    I’ve never lost a cat, so I can’t speak from direct experience. I’m very careful not to let me cat out, for multiple reasons.

    She did actually escape one extremely stormy night, only a few days after I’d moved in. I’d put up the fencing around the porch, which was about 6′ high, but inadvertently had put her cat condo next to it.

    The wind and rain woke me up about 2am, and I called to her. She usually responds, but there was no meow. I investigated the fencing, and could see tufts of fur on the top, and knew immediately that she’d jumped over.

    I called on my housemates to help me try to locate her.
    So, we tromped around with flashlights in the pouring rain, and very muddy grass. After an hour, I called off the search, and figured I wouldn’t see her again.

    It was a new environment, and the weather would interfere with any sense of smell that could lead her back. I resigned myself to her loss, and went back to bed, after putting her liter box outside, just in case, she still might be nearby.

    About 4am, I was awakened by a “meow-meow”. I jumped up, and she was at the door, soaking wet. I was so relived!

    I hoped that this experience would cure her from wanting to go beyond the porch, but it didn’t work that way. She still longs to be free, and always waits for a chance to run out the door, when her plaintive cries don’t get the result she wants.

    If she ever does manage to escape, she might return, but I don’t want to take that chance. There are several other cats that roam, and she could tangle with any of them that feel the need to defend their territory from a new intruder.

    I’ve also just learned of a pack of wild dogs in the area, and animal screams. A friend witnessed her own cat be pulled apart by 2 pit bulls a few years ago. She was traumatized for a long time. After that incident, more people kept their cats indoors. We never know the dangers that lurk, until sometimes it’s too late. I choose to be on the side of safety.

    • cats, like people, have varying degrees of ability

      Yes, they are not good at reading maps! 😉 But all cats are good at orientating themselves, I believe. They know where they are in relation to their home (the house). This must rely on spacial memory.

      I am sure are right. Or perhaps they don’t want to go ‘home’. There are some psychic theories but I favour science. Although, perhaps as yet unknown science is what we call ‘psychic’.


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