How do I stop my cat from jumping on the table?

A question some cat owners ask is “How do I stop my cat from jumping on the table?” One answer is to remove items from the table. This technique is said to remove a cat’s desire to jump onto the table. If there is nothing on a table for a cat to get or play with then he won’t jump up. That is the theory. I suppose it may well work for a decent percentage of cats but each cat is an individual. I don’t believe the only reason all cats want to jump on a table is to knock something off it or play with an item.

Cat on a table
Cat on a table. Photo by The Marmot (Flickr)

A lot of people will come up with a deterrent as a answer: put something on the table that puts the cat off. Smells and sounds come to mind but this is a form of punishment for doing something natural and it only makes the home less friendly for a cat. I think deterrents are to be avoided.

The answer is to cat-proof your home if you are concerned about furniture and household items (which actually works both ways as some items can be dangerous to a cat). I would doubt if cat lovers are sufficiently concerned about possessions to want to bother to cat-proof them (except for dangerous items like drugs). Also I am sure that only a relatively low percentage of domestic cats like to knock things off tables.

If a cat owner is concerned about their cat leaving paw marks on their table, as mentioned, leaving the table bare might help and what about putting on a table cloth when you are not at home? Or, as shown in the picture, provide a nice comfortable spot which she can use.

The reason why cats jump up is because they like to be high up for safety. It is inherent behaviour. Perhaps a good alternative such as a cat tree or condo is a sensible solution. There’d be no need to climb onto the table.

The absolute answer is not to worry about your table or possessions. Or get a cheap table 😉

33 thoughts on “How do I stop my cat from jumping on the table?”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Exactly Nancy. I dont worry too much where the Cats are. Only time im abit more Strict is when im cooking Dinner or Food. Normally it doesnt worry me.


  4. Michael, from my personal observation of my cats and also the cats in my building vicinity i have come to the conclusion that cats love sitting on “High Places” from which they can survey their territory.I have many times seen the building cats sitting on top of cars or motorcycles.My cats love sitting on the gallery ledge 5 floors from ground level and similarly they love jumping onto the table in the house.A cat owner has to be careful while arranging the house decor as delicate art work or handicrafts could get damaged if your cat jumps onto a house shelf or table.Training could make a cat realize that jumping onto certain tables or ledges in the house is detrimental to its comfort.If my cat jumps onto a table that its not permitted on then i scold it and at realizes its fault and won’t repeat the same.Cats can be trained to avoid jumping onto certain parts of the house furniture.

  5. Michael: “A good alternative such as a cat tree or condo is a sensible solution.”

    This is right way to give our cats the place of their choice. Because I have observed it that many cats means nearly 85% cats want to live within their own territory. And more over we can also train our kittens to not do this or that. They are clever creatures of Allah Subhanahu, they learn quickly.

    I have experienced that cats which are affiliated with owners are often careful with many habits that owner likes/ dislikes. Do(s) & Don’t(s) are the main lessons that a kitten should learn before she becomes a full grown up cat.

    Many owners don’t care the age of kitten-hood and they just leave them on their choice. Well! this is dangerous for future. Likewise, if I leave my child on his own choice. Let our kittens be consider as our children, start from 7th week with PREP, Class 1, Class 2 and so on.

    Go ahead for basic training and skills. Provide a free, fearless space for your cat. With every thing which let the cat feels that she is not a human being but by nature . . . . a cat.

    The same let yourself prepare for many natural events that can possibly happen if . . . . and only if you want a cat at home. Are we really prepared for the circumstances??? 🙂

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