It may be useful for people to understand how I choose the content for articles on PoC. This short post explains things.
My options for deciding the subject matter of articles is limited. To a certain extent it is dictated by circumstance.
This is because there are around 12,000 pages on PoC and ancillary sites (subdomains). Those pages cover all the information on all aspects that one needs to know about domestic, feral and wild cats. Therefore it is tricky to find fresh content and I am loathe to repeat myself even though that does happen rarely.
The issue of finding fresh content affects all website owners. The only content which constantly changes is news. But even then, news of all kinds, not only about cats, has a habit of repeating itself. The same problems crop up and news is nearly always bad news. So even cat news presents problems and there are limitations.
Cat rescue always provides useful information because there is a constant need to work on behalf of cat welfare, to save lives and find ways to protect cats. Domestic cats struggle sometimes to fit in with the human lifestyle.
Sometimes, moreso recently, I have answered questions that internet surfers enter into Google search. I use the original search term as the title to the article. This helps I believe with Google finding the article. Depending on the title and how popular it is, I have had considerable success with these articles. They are quite dry in their content but that does not prevent them being visited and boosting the pageview totals for the day.
Elisa writes about cat rescue because she is supremely qualified to do so and she has a good network of online colleagues and connections to help spread the word.
All the articles concerning hard facts to do with cat breeds, cat behaviour, wild cat species et cetera have more or less been covered. You just have to search for them using the Google custom search.
Where suitable I like to write about surveys and studies because these are effectively news items albeit scientific. They should help us understand domestic cats better which should improve cat caretaking standards. However, I have to be cautious with scientific studies because they are not always of the best quality, they can mislead and, rarely, they can be biased against the cat.
In conclusion, my hands are tied on the subject matter that I decided to write about. I diligently search for the best news items while trying not to simply regurgitate what competitor sites have produced.
I always try and add my thoughts in an effort to add fresh content. The underlying objective at PoC is to create fresh content that informs and improves cat welfare.
If any visitor would like to share their experiences please do so in an extended comment. Elisa has, through her connections, been able to create some articles by cat owners who would normally be visitors. This is great. Finally if anyone has some nice ideas please share them. This site is a collaborative effort.
I love reading your articles, Michael. I always seem to find something that I did not know before. I check out PoC every day. Thank you for your hard work and consistently unique approach.🐾💜💜
I would love to write a book but my moods swing too much. I wouldn’t be able to stay at a consistent level. Haven’t you notice I have a manic/happy ending style of writing. I write whatever I’m in the mood to write for the day. Sometimes it’s abuse and sometimes it’s about a rescue.
I’m going to be writing a LOT more. We have to get PoC back in the #1 spot. Michael writes health and technical articles. I can’t do those. I’m not good those and this whole writing thing can’t seem like work. I HATE work. LOL.