There are probably tens of thousands of videos on you Tube which explain how to give your cat a pill! This is just one more but it may add to the sum total of knowledge on how to give your cat a pill 😉
The way I see it, the reason why this method works, in this instance, is because Charlie loves chicken and the pill is either neutral in taste and smell or it smells slightly of cat food in some way; I am not sure. It really does depend upon these two factors and your cat needs to really love a certain sort of food and he needs to be hungry for it.
The reason why I hand feed Charlie these bits of chicken with half a pill in it is because that way I can ensure that the food goes into his mouth, hole (in one piece). If I put the food into a bowl with the pill inside it he is far more likely to select the food and leave the pill. The hand feeding is a way of making sure that he has the bite sized piece of food in his mouth to ensure that he bites down on it. As the pill is neutral in taste or at least tastes okay, when he bites down on it it does not upset his enjoyment of the chicken and so he continues to eat it. Sometimes cats spit out the pill and eat the food.
I usually do this in the morning when I get up. At that time he has asked me for his breakfast a number of times and he is hungry.
There are other posts on this subject on this website. Please use the custom search (home page right hand column). See the conventional way in a video (article by Ruth aka Kattaddorra).
Exactly I think it depends on the Mood of the Cat., Ozzie was fine with it as long as i gave him lots of nice pats and reward. i.e He loves Whiskas Singles . I hate it when, the Vet gets them to have Pills.