How many cats does Kate Beckinsale have?

Kate Beckinsale has two cats at the date of this post, both flat-faced Persians. I believe that one is a chinchilla Persian, which is near white with some grey streaks. Her name is Willow, and the other is a grey tabby, Clive (11-12 years old). They are classic contemporary Persian cats. They both have pointing. Pointed Persians are called Himalayans. She also has a fluffy, brown, toy dog, Myf, who’s Kate’s Pomeranian, who is often seen on her Instagram page and also her daughter Lily’s Instagram page. It’s easy to find out how many cats Kate Beckham has because she has an excellent Instagram page with lots of photographs and videos of her cats and dog. Please note that the Instagram videos on this page may stop working overtime as things change but it’s beyond my control.

Update: She takes them flying in a private jet. I am sure this happens a lot. Much nicer for the cats.

She inherited Willow from a friend. She describes Willow as “insane”. That’s why her friend gave Willow to her. They have completely different personalities. Clive likes suitcases and boxes and bags. He likes to climb into things. He has a suitcase bed which suits him perfectly. Willow prefers to “sleep in creepy, psychopath places like the back of a drawer, places that she could die [in]”. Apparently, Willow is more difficult but she’s pretty so she’s forgiven!

Kate Beckinsale and Clive her flat-faced Persian one of 2 that she lives with
Kate Beckinsale and Clive her flat-faced Persian one of 2 that she lives with. Screenshot from Kate’s Instagram page.

Here is another of Clive:

Kate Beckinsale and Clive her grey tabby flat-faced Persian
Kate Beckinsale and Clive her grey tabby flat-faced Persian. Pic in the public domain.

About the above video she says that she tried to stimulate Willow into action but failed! No surprise as Persians are fairly inactive compared to some other cat breeds such as the Bengal. It is one of the characteristics of the Persian and it is a welcome one for lots of cat owners. Kate says: “Trying to hype Willow up about her winter woolly has been low yield so far…”


Note: the picture above may be in violation of Google Adsense policy! I wonder if their artificial intelligence will recognise the penis! I am going to find out. It is part of male human anatomy. It should be allowed but in an acutely politically correct world it may not. UPDATE: It was not allowed which is why the image is linked to. Kate Beckinsale sees no problem with making a video about it. Therefore, Instagram are fine with it. Instagram is owned by Facebook.

Kate is a self-confessed cat lover. Which means I love her! Anyone who loves cat has got to be good. Kate Beckinsale is also a good dancer. She shimmies up to Willow, her chinchilla Persian dressed in pink while Kate is dressed in a sports Nike bra, fancy sweatpants and equally fancy underwear! She’s definitely a very cool chick who knows how to provide her enormous numbers of followers with the sort of images and videos that pleases them.

About the video above Kate says, “Willow thinks she’s wants a Sunday night debate but then gets shy under pressure and has to go behind the washing machine…”.

She likes a modern house interior. Her home looks large, tidy, sheer and modern. I didn’t see any cat trees by which I mean ‘catification’ objects around the home. But that doesn’t mean they aren’t there. If her home is big enough, perhaps she has a couple of rooms dedicated to her cats, where everything in those rooms is designed to please them.

That would mean lots of vertical climbing frames and high platforms around the walls. Tunnels and play objects littering the floor would be nice. It will also contain some objects of hers and her partner because cats rely on her for security and therefore her scent would reassure them. This would encourage them to use their special, customised room!

I am of course speculating madly but if you’ve got lots of money, I think it’s a good idea to dedicate a part of your home to your cats.

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