How many cats does Katy Perry have?

As at Monday 20th April 2020, Katy Perry possibly has one remaining cat, Monkey, as sadly her beloved Kitty Purry died 22 hours ago (I am writing this at 06:15 on Monday morning). However, it is also possible that she has no cats at the moment as the information that she had two cats is dated November 2016. Monkey may have passed during the intervening four years. Kitty Purry featured as a large inflatable during Perry’s Hello Katy Tour.

Katy Perry annouces passing of her cat Kitty Purry on Instagram
Katy Perry annouces passing of her cat Kitty Purry on Instagram

You can tell from Perry’s Instagram photo and text that she is very fond of her cats. Kitty Purry was a tabby-and-white cat who ‘crawled through my then boyfriend’s window 15 years ago, fully pregnant and seeking shelter’. That’s how the relationship started.

Perry and Kitty Purry in bed
Perry and Kitty Purry in bed. Photo in public domain.

The best cat adoptions happen when the cat comes to you, asks for help and you accept the request. In this case a lifelong relationship commenced.

Katy Perry’s popularity is apparent in the massive 1.5m likes that her Instagram post about the passing of her cat has acquired. It’s amazing.

At the moment I can’t find a picture of Perry with Monkey. I only have one source for the information that Perry lived with 2 cats: which is not ideal. So, it possible that she currently has no cats as mentioned. If that is true, I’d expect her to adopt a cat in the near future but we’ll see.


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