How To Care For A Cat?

Love your cat
Love your cat

This is sentimental but oh, so true. It is a one-liner. The answer is to love your cat. If you do that – genuinely – everything else that is good and right for your cat will follow as sure as night follows day.

Because when you love your cat as you love your woman or your man, you will be in tune with your cat’s likes and dislikes, her habits, her needs and you’ll be aware of changes in her health because you will be observant and you’ll be interacting with her and grooming her.

And if you don’t know what to do when something unexpected or strange happens, because you love your cat, you will learn with passion and commitment what to do to help your cat.

If you love your cat your love of money will be second to the love you have for your cat. This will open the door to taking her to the veterinarian when required. There will be no inner discussion, searching for excuses as to why a visit to the vet is not needed. The path will be crystal clear; if there is any doubt about her health a veterinary consultation will be sought. Common sense but many cat owners don’t do it.

Loving your cat is the fist principle that encompasses all other information about looking after a cat. Everything flows from that starting point because love is a motivator. Love is caring. It wants to please. True love is genuine. A genuine desire to provide the highest form of cat care that is practically possible.

Loving for your cat automatically guides you to be tender, gentle and protective. If your cat is lost you will move heaven and earth to get her back. If she dies in an accident and it is your fault it will hurt and the hurt will never go away because you loved her.

Associated: Essay on cat behavior

19 thoughts on “How To Care For A Cat?”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. even if i was shifting when i might be looking at doing. I dont know if i can take all my other cats hopefully ill be able to come to some arrangement.

  3. Thank you Ruth. We agree that true love for your cat or cats is the foundation, the starting point, for excellent cat caretaking. It tells me that people who are not good caretakers cannot in truth love their cat.

  4. So sad for you Nancy, it wasn’t your fault, it was cruel fate!
    Try to think of your cat at peace because it’s you who is suffering not him x

  5. Even worse when people move house and leave the cat behind, it happens here sometimes, it’s just so heartless!

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