How To Pick A Fight by Furby

How To Pick A Fight by Furby

by Joyce Sammons
(Hodges, SC, USA)

My Cat Mama Lola,  Me and Darla

My Cat Mama Lola, Me and Darla

Hi everybody! It's Furby! I know it's late and I'm still awake but I have a reason. Several reasons. First of all I wanted to tell everyone I had a good week and had a lot of fun today playing with Lola. We're all still up because of the tornadoes. Mama says a tornado is like what happened to the living room (I don't get it) and it's happening near us outside. So we stay up in case we have to leave.

Mama made a really good MOO-vie of me and Lola today. I got ahold of it after she was done and took out the part where Lola gave me a whipping. She's fast for a girl. I'm glad no one gets to see that part. Laura was on the phone so mama added some really cute music to it so we don't hear her. It's called "Innocence" by Gurdonark. That's me-innocent! Here we are playing.

I had a great dinner of turkey, asparagus and mixed veggies (all my favorites), then Laura played with me and got me tired. I think she did that so I'd go to sleep. I took a LONG nap in mama's lap on my blue blanky. Mama told me to sleep while it was quiet. We all know what happens when the weather gets bad here. Take a look. Mama calls it Interactive Darla Radar Alert. She gets so vocal!

Other than that it's been a great week. My best friend Barbara came to see me and she was amazed how big I am now. Hi Barbara!!

I'm gonna try to go back to sleep. We hope the storms are about over. Mama says I can go to bed with her if I want to.


Hopefully the storms are out of here. We've all been up all night because several people were killed a few states over. We have Darla to warn us if we're asleep. There was really no need to try to sleep until the weather calmed down because she barks and barks and barks.

Have a great week everyone. Here's the credit to the song I used in the video. It seemed to set the mood. If the info doesn't show just go to the website listed below.

I would also like to tell everyone about ccMixter You can use music at no charge as long as credit is given to the artist. Great for photo and video projects.


How To Pick A Fight by Furby to Feral cats

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How To Pick A Fight by Furby

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Apr 27, 2010 Furby strikes again!
by: Tracey (UK)

Hi Joyce

I love watching Furby's antics, he is the only reason I joined Facebook!

I'd resisted for ages even though my friends were begging me to join.

It was Furby's antics that persuaded me because Ozzie and Alfie also love to watch him!!

Apr 25, 2010 He'd better be glad
by: Joyce Sammons

He'd better be glad I couldn't get to the camera fast enough when he fell off the back of the TV. I have a big console floor TV he sleeps on and off the back he went. Then I see two big paws and a big head climbing up the back. Then he disappeared again and again the paws and the head. He tried 4 times to get back up the way he went down and finally Lola went and led him around to the front of the TV. She still takes care of him. I'd LOVE to have got THAT on video.

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