How to Tell Cat Abuse

by Michael
(London, UK)

Cat Abuse - Burned Cat - Photo by Animals Abused & Abandoned

Cat Abuse - Burned Cat - Photo by Animals Abused & Abandoned

Here are some tips on how to tell cat abuse from those who know. The first clue as to whether there has been cat abuse is whether the cat has been provided with the basics such as food, water and shelter and then to check the cat's physical condition (injury or sickness). Here are some signs on assessing the cat:

  • wounds, multiple wounds and unhealed wounds
  • poor skin and coat condition, hair loss, scaly skin etc.
  • grossly underweight and underfeed
  • parasites on skin and in the coat
  • generally ill with eye and nose discharges (URI - Upper Respiratory Infection)
  • confusion, drowsiness
  • overly tight collar causing injury

and some signs on assessing the environment:

  • cat kept outside in poor weather
  • home and surrounding area in poor state with feces and mess
  • cats kept in kennels or cages that are too small

The experts say that a pet's behavior is not the only sign and in fact it might mislead. Companion animal abuse including cat abuse should be reported to the RSPCA and/or police in the UK and the local humane society and/or police in the USA. If established it can be a crime in both these countries. See Cats and the Law. Animal abuse is often a precursor or runs parallel with abuse to people.

How to Tell Cat Abuse, a summary -- Thanks to :

From How to Tell Cat Abuse to Home Cat Health Problems

Photo published under a Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs creative commons License -- this site is for charitable purposes in funding cat rescue.

9 thoughts on “How to Tell Cat Abuse”

  1. In addition, Jenna said they had killed 200 by the 4th of April, then that she had killed 67 by the 6th of April. Hard to keep lies straight?

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