Using a Christmas theme, real dogs and one cat (at the head of the table of course) the Humane Society of Utah and pet food manufacturer Freshpet joined forces to make an amusing video of the dogs and cat around the dinning table eating Christmas dinner. People are behind the dogs and cat and use their hands and arms to give a weird human/dog hybrid, puppet-like appearance.

This must be a multi-purpose holiday video which not only promotes the necessity of adopting a cat or dog from a shelter but it also promotes the shelter system and particularly the Humane Society shelters and of course Freshpet products. Freshpet food and treats are on the plates looking like Christmas dinner.
The turkey in the middle of the table was inedible as it was coated in acrylic to prevent it smelling and attracting the dogs.
The actors were all rescue dogs and single cat. They behaved well but we know how hard it is to use dogs and cats as actors.