With Hurricane Dorian barely moving today after it left devastation across Freeport, Grand Bahama as well as other areas, a group of animal shelter volunteers are reported trapped at a local shelter.

The Humane Society of Grand Bahama posted an appeal for help on Facebook earlier today stating:
“The drains are not working. There is 5 feet of water in the shelter and rising. They have moved as many of the small dogs and pups they could. They currently cannot get to the cattery.
Asking for immediate help from rescuers- please spread the word. There are 6 people in the shelter on Coral Road that need immediate help as they are in neck high water. We are calling all numbers but please share.”
An update was posted shortly after 5 p.m. EST stating
“We are so grateful for everyone’s prayers, assistance and concern. We are doing all we can for the animals and for the staff in the shelter.
Tip is in communications with the shelter staff when she is able but it is difficult for obvious reasons. Tip sends updates to us when she can and we share those updates on this site. We will post updates as we have them.
Any information from any site other than this one may not be accurate so please be careful what is passed on. This is a devastating time for so many, let’s not make it worse by spreading inaccurate information. The Tribune online newspaper said that 200 dogs and 100 cats were on site (research from Michael).
The situation as we know it is that we have shelter staff still in need of rescue. We have been in contact with the U.S. Coast Guard and the emergency operation center and they are both very aware of the need for rescue as well as the location.
We do not know yet if they have gotten to them or have even been able to. Sadly, we cannot give a status on the animals as we just don’t know. We will share information when we have it.”

From what I’ve gathered from the comments, the cats are loose and can climb to the top of the inside of the building using their cat trees. There have been rumors the cats and dogs are all dead but until someone actually with the shelter makes an announcement I consider it rumors.
The Coast Guard has been notified but it’s unknown at this time how soon rescue will come. Going by the outcome of previous rescues by boat, it will be highly unlikely the animals would be allowed to board the boat. I hope I’m wrong.
Rescue crews can’t even attempt to rescue until conditions improve. I don’t know whether that includes the Coast Guard or whether it pertains to police and EMS. Vehicles are under water. Homes are under water and judging from the videos being uploaded today, homes appear to be surrounded in all directions by the flood waters.
If anyone has more information, please feel free to post in the comment section. I DID say information. Don’t fuel the rumor mill.
Those in the path of Hurricane Dorian remain in our thoughts and prayers. These brave souls chose to stay with the animals and are risking their own lives in doing so.
Anyone wishing to donate to the Humane Society can do so by clicking here. Any updates will be posted here.
UPDATE FROM Humane Society Of Grand Bahama AT 11am ON 3 SEPT (local time) – ABOUT 20 HOURS LATER:
“We have just heard from Tip and her staff have been rescued and are safe at this time. We are working to gather more information as we are able but that is all we know right now. When we have more information, we will share it with you. We are beyond grateful for the support and prayers.”
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Agreed and yes, I’ll check soon for an update.
Continued prayers for all involved. Lord protect them. Please keep us posted.