I can’t say more for the time being because I don’t have permission to discuss my foster cat but he is a young, male spotted tabby with a super coat and a character to match – very loving and easy going.
He traveled here beautifully, not a sound. He is very sweet and innocent and he’s currently exploring my home. Wish me luck.
Sorry this is so short.
You don’t need luck Michael you have a compassionate, caring nature which is all thats required 🙂 I hope you both have fun and you have many more foster cats in your life with lots of successful re-homings in between:)
Mine is grey brown. Beautiful spots. Cute face. I may have permission to publish some photos today. I’d love to show him off 😉
I am waiting on permission, which I presume will be granted because it can only help rehome the cat. I’ll ask again. The rescue organisation has seen PoC. There are no formal rules on this. It is down to the organisation.
Idea for an article for you. Fosters in the U.S. are encouraged to share photos and info on their foster baby and be part of the adoption process. Why the secrecy in the UK or is that the norm?