I Am The Cat Lady On My Street

I Am The Cat Lady On My Street

by Tina

One of my crazy kitties

One of my crazy kitties

Hello, I have two cats of my own and we just recently moved into a new neighborhood. Because my cats are both females....we seem to have inherited 8 additional males outside of my home!!!

I could not see calling the local shelter on these animals! Out of the eight, six of them seem to have never had much contact with humans (or have have had bad experiences with them) is my best guess....Anyways, with a little time patience and yummy food!!

I have managed to turn all of them into lovable cats that would make someone great pets now!! Before, when you would even open the door they would hiss and run away only coming back to eat after you were gone.....now, I can pick them up hold them cuddle them and just give them the love they deserve!

And they adore it!!! and all of this within approx... 3 months time!!! My husband was dumb founded that I could pull this off with such wild animals!!! (he actually asked if I could pull it off with deer!!) lol.

I still, to this day, love and adore all of my (adopted) cats. I often wonder if it were someone else that moved into my home, what would they have done with these loving animals? Would they have given them time and affection, or would they have immediately called the shelter??? I'm guessing the shelter.

I am now known as the cat lady on my street, and since then, I have had 2 more join my bunch for a total of 10 outside cats at the present time, but I assure you between myself and my 4 children...ages 12, 10, 4, and 3.....these cats do not want to live anywhere else!!

Each one now is able to go to regular vet visits and all have been fixed so this can never happen to their children. I just thought I would share my joyful story with with more cat lovers out there!!!

Update - here are two more photos:

cat and child together


cat in grass


I Am The Cat Lady On My Street to Feral Cats

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I Am The Cat Lady On My Street

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Jul 21, 2010 Looking
by: Anonymous

I am looking for a bengal cat.... I use to have one when I lived in florida and my husband opened the door one day and she disappeared. Please if you know anybody with a bengal cat or even one mixed but has the spots let me know. My email is mylilcafe30@yahoo.com

Thank you


May 16, 2010 Just in case...
by: Finn Frode, Denmark

Hi Tina. Thank you for all the good you do, but please be careful not to let things grow over your head. We've seen it happening before that strangers from far away start dumping their kittens at the doorstep of good people like you. You should be prepared for that and maybe make an arrangement with a shelter in the area - just in case.

But right now you are doing a great job for these poor cats and actually for your new neighbourhood too, because as long as a bunch of neutered cats occupy the territory, less fertile cats will come around and multiply. 🙂

May 15, 2010 You are fab!
by: Tracey (England)

This is the thing these poor unfortunate ferals would so rather have love, food and cuddles as opposed to running scared everyday of their lives.

Its likely that if it hadn't have been you living there it would have been the pound, persecution or being chased away.

It's humans that put these cats it this unfortunate situation so before you chase off a pesky feral just stop to think for a second how it got there in the first place.

You are amazing with what you've done for these cats; no longer will they have unwanted kittens.

I was talking to someone the other day who was discussing a family friends litter; 'they've got rid of all the kittens now except one' 'she's a lovely friendly cat, she's already had seven kittens and she's not a year old yet'

Needless to say a little education was required 1. immediate speying 2. CPL can help 3. Explain 'get rid of' any old home? no guarantees that new keepers will get them speyed/neutered; more unwanted kittens! 4. There is no need whatsoever for this cat to have any kittens in tghe first place! The shelters are overflowing! 5. Tell your friend to have a little responsibility and do the right thing for her cat.

I am fostering 4 beautiful kittens at the moment for the CPL because someone let momma get pregnant then kicked her out.

What else can I say, Tina except heartfelt thanks. Its a pity there aren't so many more like you, you are an angel.

May 13, 2010 you are great
by: kathy

The world needs more people like you. It truly is amazing that you have managed to tame them. I too am one of those people who put a bowl of the cheapest cat food out side for just nyone who happens by. Our cat Rusty is back from last summer. We have no idea where he was sll winter. Patches has disappeared, and my neighbor Bill and I are very upset about it. Mr. Grey is still out there, wilder than ever. Cant even get a little close to him. You are a wonderful person and Good luck with your little colony.

May 13, 2010 Lovely photos
by: Ruth

Tina I love your photos.The one of your baby and kitten is a picture of contentment and would make a beautiful front for a card to your friends and relatives.

May 12, 2010 You Sound Like Me
by: Joyce Sammons

I used to put food out for any cat who came thru that was hungry. My yard then was fenced in. I had a lady 2 houses past the fence who came over complaining to me. She asked me please don't put out any food because her cat didn't want to come home. I told her I was sorry but there was no way a hungry cat was going to miss a meal because of her. I fed the cheapest food the cats would eat and if hers wanted a snack that was fine. I never saw her again and I never knew which cat I fed was hers.

I think I've went from being the cat lady to the cat whisperer.

Stay with this site. You'll love it.

May 12, 2010 Thank you
by: Tina

Thank you for making me feel welcome! I have many more photos to share, I will be posting them soon, keep an eye out andlet me know what you think! Thanks....Tina

May 12, 2010 Hi Tina
by: Ruth

Yes Tina you are definately 'one of us' and I will look forward to hearing more about all your cats and seeing more photos like the one you posted lol That cat looks so happy and relaxed !

I'm so glad you moved there, you obviously have a way with cats to have tamed them so quickly.

It's so nice to meet someone else as crazy about cats as we all are here.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

May 11, 2010 One of us
by: Michael

Tina, you are one of us. Thank you for sharing your experiences. You are welcome here. I can think of many other cat ladies who are regulars of this site. I would like to mention one, Joyce Sammons. See here posts here: My kitty thinks he is a Turkish Angora.

As I said, there are many others, though. I might be called a cat gentleman. And I would be proud of that description.

Michael Avatar

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