I found a female OSH in the dumpster in Austin, TX

I found a female OSH in the dumpster in Austin, TX

by D. Harrison
(Colorado Springs, CO, USA)

Our dumpster girl -  now a princess.

Our dumpster girl - now a princess.

I was throwing out some trash in my apartment in north Austin, TX when I stumbled (almost literally) on a bone thin animal. At first glance (having never seen an OSH) I thought I was looking at a big rat or something like that!

After a few seconds, I realized that it was in fact a starving cat with really really big ears. I quickly got whatever food I could get from the fridge and fed her, I think it was some chicken.

I showed my wife and we both agreed to keep feeding her until an agency could get her, so we fed her everyday outside. She would only come out of her hiding place (I discovered it was the sewer a few days later) at night to eat.

No agency would come and get her (I never told them that she was an OSH) and eventually she started to eat on our balcony and, well, one thing led to another and she is now our little princess with a bed in every room of the house...

She has been with us for 3 years now and we couldn't love her more.

D. Harrison

I found a female OSH in the dumpster in Austin, TX to Oriental Shorthair Cat

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I found a female OSH in the dumpster in Austin, TX

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May 17, 2010
So lucky!
by: My Jackie boy

You are so lucky and blessed to have stumbled upon this breed on accident as they are so amazing, loving and the best companions! I too, have an oriental that is still my "little boy" even though he is 9 years old now. I wasn't looking for an OSH, I actually didn't even know this breed existed; but when I went to adopt a bengal kitten I walked into the room with all these gorgeous kittens and this amazing little (funny as hell looking)1 year cat came running up to me, jumped on my shoulder and wrapped himself around my neck! He started purring, rubbing his head on my face and was so vocal, talking to me! I couldn't believe the love I felt from this animal upon entering the room...and we are still sharing the love today 8 years later! With that said, I am so happy that you found your little girl, saved her life and are now part of the few that have the amazing experience of owing such an amazing creature!

Apr 08, 2010
Cats remember
by: Finn Frode, Denmark

What a wonderful story. Thank you for saving this poor and scared, but very special cat. I'm sure she'll pay your kindness back every day of her life. Cats remember. 🙂

Finn Frode avatar

Apr 05, 2010
Princess indeed
by: Dorothy

What a wonderful heartwarming story. She is beautiful, and very regal looking. She found the right home.....well, she was in the 'wrong' right place at the right time.

Best wishes to you.


Apr 05, 2010
All her birthdays came at once!
by: Tracey (UK)

I bet she was so happy when she moved in with you.

Its such a shame because cats were domesticated by us for our purposes then when we no longer need them they are literally thrown out with the trash.

They aren't destined to live as wild, scared animals they are on the whole friendly, sociable creatures (there are of course exception's who will never trust again because of the vile abuse they've been subjected to)

I feel that these poor 'previously owned' cats are forever hoping that they can have love, comfort and a safe place to sleep.

This is just what your princess has (thank God) found with you. She looks so happy and contented, she will love you forever.

Apr 05, 2010
Found OSH cat in dumpster.
by: Rudolph.A.Furtado

"Sometimes, the best thing in life come free'! An excellent specimen.

Rudolph avatar

Apr 05, 2010
Lovely story
by: Ruth

What a lovely story and such a happy ending too.

Your Princess is beautiful, it was certainly her lucky day when you found her.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Apr 05, 2010
by: Michael

A fantastic story of rags to riches, of lost and found, from a loveless cold world in a sewer to being loved. A heart warming story. Thanks a lot of visiting and sharing. I love this story.

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