I Got Married! by Furby

I Got Married! by Furby

by Furby the Feral
(Hodges, SC)

Our Wedding Photo (imikimi.com)

Our Wedding Photo (imikimi.com)

Our Wedding Photo (imikimi.com) Jasper, Lucky, Mandy, Me and Mia My son Lucky and my beautiful Mia Our honeymoon photos

This has been an absolutely awesome week everybody. You see, I just got married. It kind/sorta happened by accident. Mama got up Tuesday morning to raid the refrigerator and had a piece of chocolate cake on the kitchen counter.

I know we can't have chocolate, but Mia had gone up to investigate and I was behind her. She looked at me, saw the cake, then looked at me again. Apparently where she comes from a piece of cake is a marriage proposal. Then mama took the piece of cake away. Too late! I had to marry her Tuesday afternoon! Here's the video of our wedding.

Doesn't she make a beautiful bride! Poor Mama had to film the wedding all by herself because Sissy Laura won't be in the room during movie making in case the men in white coats come to take mama away for being too much of a cat lady.

We had a beautiful ceremony over a bowl of cat food (which I ate mostly without Mia's help), and a bride who seemed to be looking for a way off of the wedding table.

So now I have a beautiful wife (Mia was a widow and recently lost a daughter) who needs some special Furby love. I don't mind that she recently got out of jail (she was on death row!). She changed her name to get a new start in life with me. Mia sounds much more romantic than Abby, doesn't it?

Lucky will be my adopted son since Mia has been spayed and I've been neutered. Here's my neutering story. But that's OK. I know we'll be very happy together. She's already allowing me to share her blanket and her litter box. She still fusses about my litter box habit of scratching, and scratching, and scratching after I've done.

Here are some pictures I want to share with all of you. Mama does overdo it with imikimi.com sometimes. Do any of you go a little "overboard" with your cats? Pictures, weddings? Do I have the only crazy mama on the planet? I really want to know if I should be worried! She even has a YouTube video channel at furbyshalfwayhouse. Check it out and get back to me on her.

This page: Furby thinks he is a Turkish Angora, is my first on PoC and it contains links to more.

That's it for now! I love everybody! Say hello to your cats for me.


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I Got Married! by Furby

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Jan 10, 2011 Congratpurrlations
by: Walter and Jozef

Congratpurrlations to the bride and groom but we can't believe you got wed Furby without inviting us to be your best men as we'd have been purrfect.

Purrhaps it was such a quick arrangement you had no time to purruse a guest list.

Crusty bachelors we may be but we'd have been purrleased to renew our purrsports to attend and purrobably would have made hilpurrious speechmeows at your purrarty.

Meow you have a long and purrfectly happy marriage.

Jan 10, 2011 To Michael
by: Furby

My adopted son Lucky is only 3 months old and the neutered him before he left death row. And I get the feeling Mia ended up on death row because she was a mama with 2 babies. My mama is very responsible with us. I was neutered before I was old enough to spell or I'd have found a REALLY good hiding space that morning! Mandy will be next. No WAY do I want to listed to her when she goes into hot.

Jan 10, 2011 A scream
by: Michael

This is a complete scream for me. They make a great couple. Furby as we know is very handsome and his bride is up to scratch in looks.

He looks very refined in the wedding picture. We know though that he is a bit of a "rough diamond". Do you have that phrase in the USA?

I wish them all the happiness for the future and a long and contented marriage.

In the cat world we can't refer to the possibility of kids, however. That is not done, impolite...

Love to your family, Joyce.

Michael Avatar

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