I Got Neutered By Furby

By Furby the Feral


Furby Resting After Surgery

Furby Resting After Surgery

Hi everybody! It’s Furby again. I’ve had a REALLY busy week and I wanted to tell everyone about it.

I’ve been recovering and taking it easy this week. I’m still mad as a kitten without catnip at everybody. I asked everybody MONTHS ago to please tell me what “neutered” meant and nobody answered me. Boy, do I know now.

I started out having a really good week. Especially Monday when mama went and bought me a really nice house to sleep in. She called it a carrier and fixed it up special just for me. She washed my favorite blue blanky and wrapped it around a pillow and put it in my new house. I slept there Monday night and Tuesday night.

furby asleep
Ahhh..yes, this is beautiful me…
I’m trying to have a snooooze if mama would stop taking pics of me..

I hate to tell on mama but she was mean to me Tuesday night. Before she went to bed she hid my food and my water. Even my cat mama Lola didn’t know where it was. I kept going back and forth from Laura to my feeding bowl and hoped she’d get the hint. She rubbed my head and told me I couldn’t have any food. What did I do wrong? I didn’t understand why they wouldn’t feed me.

Mama got up really early the next morning and put me in my new house and closed the door. I had a bad feeling about this because mama is never up this early. I know because I am. I didn’t even get a chance to play before she took me for a ride in her car.

Furby a tamed and domesticated feral cat
Please no more….

We rode for a long time and I really like to ride. I didn’t meow or anything. I could see mama thru the holes in my house and everything seemed OK so I went to sleep.

After what seemed like forever we stopped at a place with a lot of barking dogs. What’s up with this? She took me inside where there were other cats in houses just like mine. Two dog critters came over and looked in my cage so I did the only thing I could think of. I SPIT at them. I don’t mean hiss and I don’t mean meow. I SPIT and I did it so loud everybody in the room laughed at me.I love my dog critters at home but I didn’t know these two.

There were some really nice people who talked to me and petted me and they were boring because I went to sleep. I don’t know where mama was while all of this was going on. She’s never left me anywhere before and I got scared when I woke up and she wasn’t there.

I went back to sleep. My bottom hurt and I felt real bad. When I woke up again mama was there to get me.

Furby the feral cat again
OK I give in…here I am in my suave,
sweet well behaved pose..cuz mama treats me nice…

Those barking dog critters had better be glad I left when I did because I was about to tell them a thing or two about all the barking.

Mama was supposed to leave me in my carrier overnight but I used my mind control on her and she opened the house cage so I could get out and walk around. I promised her I’d be good. She said she was so proud I’d done so well with my neutering surgery. I don’t know what the people did to me but when I wash up something’s not quite right. I still hurt a little bit.

Thursday I was back playing with my Turbo Scratcher again. I didn’t play long because I was still tired. I just laid around being lazy.

I had another treat Friday. Mama went to the store and bought me 2 flannel blankets and 2 pillows. I didn’t like the pillows too much because without my claws I kept sliding off. Again embarrassing. She said she bought them to use making my pictures but I think she bought them because I love soft blankys

It’s Saturday and I feel totally normal again. I’ve found a secret that keeps mama from making so many pictures of me. Its called ravioli. Let’s just say my new nickname is Raviolihead.


I Got Neutered By Furby to Feral Cats

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I Got Neutered By Furby

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Sep 04, 2010So funny
by: Ruth (Monty’s Mom) This has to be the funniest Furby story of them all. I chuckle every time I scroll past the title!

Mar 23, 2010To Anonymous
by: Joyce Sammons All the POC stories of Furby plus tons of pics can be found at http://www.furbytheferalfeline.shutterfly.com. He also has a fan page on Facebook under Furby the Feral Feline. I’ve also added a video page to the shutterfly site.

Mar 20, 2010Hello
by: Anonymous I Really Loved That Cat Telling The Story I Got Neutered By Furby It Was Good I Cannot Wait For The Next Furby one i loved it so much that i would Really Want To Here It Again So Can You Let Me Know When You Do Another One Thanks X Oh Before I Forget Can You Do One For My Friend In Castleton To Listen To as well thankyou x reply back x

Mar 07, 2010He love being a model
by: Joyce Sammons Or any kind of attention. I’ve never had a cat like him. He loves having people pass him around the room to pet him. He loves the attention. I have a great you video to post whenever the computer cooperates. I’ll let everyone know. I’m gonna call it furbytheferalfeline and Lola. They were playing with my daughter.

Mar 07, 2010Furby on white…
by: Dorothy Hi Joyce, Pretty cool, Furby’s own website. I ordered two prints of the “Furby On White” to sketch. He’s so handsome. Seems to take well to being a model.

Good luck with your book.


Mar 07, 2010Great idea on the book
by: Joyce Sammons I’ve thought about doing a book on Furby and his stories. You’re not the first to think of it. I just don’t have the money involved in a book. Unless someone out there has any ideas. Furby is spending his spare time on top of the TV. Lola used it as a favorite sleeping spot for awhile. Furby likes to lay on my shoulder and looking at the computer while I type. Sometimes I think he can read. Lord only knows how big his head would get if he had a book. Is an Ebook possible for something like this? I’ve been dealing with a ghost writer all week. My deceased boyfriend helped me ghostwrite his story of the last 6 months of his life. I didn’t think I’d ever get it done the way he wanted. Began with our mountain trip and ended with Furby. I’ve spent the week playing “will this work” both with the page I wanted to publish to and the style I had to write in. If you think having a live editor is rough you should try dictation given by a friendly spirit. Its creepy how pages wouldn’t load unless they were the one’s he wanted to load.

Those who’d like can check it out at http://hubpages.com/hub/Archies-Last-Six-Months. Feel free to forward this link as Archie would like 1 million people to view his story. It has Furbys new site at www.furbytheferalfeline.shuterfly.com. Go to that site and it links to all the articles and pictures at pictures-of-cats. Hopefully all the sites will get some traffic.

Feb 23, 2010Furby the fantastic
by: Cathy Great story and so glad you and Joyce found each other.

Feb 23, 2010Congrats
by: Snow White, Denmark Hi Furby. Congrats on your succesful neutering – you have now come of age!

From now on all you have to do is eating, sleeping and receiving the love of your humans. And even better – you don’t have trouble yourself with that weird business that un-neutered males have to. They usually end up with their ears torn – I know because I tore a few in my days too. You’re way better off this way, pal.

Feb 23, 2010To Joyce
by: Ruth Joyce have you ever thought of having Furby sit by you while you write a book of his adventures ?

I think it would be a best seller as just look how many of us are following his stories on here.

Cat lovers love reading about cats.


Kattaddorra signature Ruth



Feb 22, 2010Everyone Loves Him
by: Joyce Sammons From day 1 he has loved being passed around a room and petted. He never acted like a feral. It was like he knew he was supposed to be with me. AS for the new rug background on here, he’s really saying “please let me sleep.” I got a Fugi FinePix S602 on EBay and would highly recommend it.

Furby likes water too. So does Lola. They race to the bathroom for the water running. Now I also have to watch out for the clothes dryer. They want in there.

My daughter took him next door for a visit yesterday and she said he meowed the whole 100 feet in his carrier.

What’s funny is he really does write his own stories. If he’s not next to me I can’t write them.

Feb 22, 2010To Barbara
by: Ruth Barbara I love the name Evanrude ! lol

Have you signed our petition to get declawing banned ?

Thank you if you have, if not will you please sign and pass it on to others who care.

We have a group of UK and USA people who truly love all cats and are dedicated to educating people about the cruelty of declawing.But we can’t reach every cat owner to tell them the truth so every day more cats are suffering.

We will not give up until it’s banned !



Kattaddorra signature Ruth



Feb 22, 2010Furby the Neuter!!
by: Maggie Sharp I’m going to start off saying that I did get the wrong idea when I read the title of Furby’s story… Hehehe.

Congrats, Furby! Soon he should go into his “I’m a big sooky neuter, I love everyone and I want them to know it!” stage, I remember when Chilli was neutered, he had a brief water-loving period. Where he would sit in front of his water bowl and just splash water all over himself, he even tried climbing inside the dog’s water bowl! My, did he make a mess! Took me ages to clean because whenever I cleaned it up, he just started again!

Neuters are typically larger than entire cats too, only by about half a kilo, but seriously, they become such love bugs! So cute!

On a seperate note, I had no idea how stunningly beautiful your Furby was, he’s amazing! I’m drooling over those beautiful ear tufts, and that beautiful colour. He really is amazing!

Feb 22, 2010Far better
by: Walter Yes it is better by far to have claws trimmed than taken away,our Jozef and me shudder at that thought but our mammies say don’t worry boyz,we’d rather have our own fingers chopped off than anybody do it to you.

We do understand some cats have to have claws trimmmed, honestly we do.

Well I don’t think you could call me wild, mind you our Jozef is half wild as his dad was a feral and when the mammies went to get our lad they saw his dad carrying a rabbit in his mouth.

I’m glad we can safely go out here as he would go mad shut in all the time. But he is vey civil indoors when we have to stay in at night and when nobody is home to look out for us, as he knows he can go out later.

We have a ‘catnasium’ our late uncle John built for us in our garden and big trees too and we strop our claws on them and bits fly.

Inside we have scratching posts of all shapes and sizes,our lad likes the bigest fattest tallest one but I like flat ones best.

If the mammies won’t wake up I go like billy oh on the upstairs ones and shake the walls heeheeee

I’m a bit bored today as we have a lot of snow again and I hate my feet wet and cold.

Bye bye

Feb 22, 2010Furby
by: Barbara Hi Furby, I am glad that you are okay. If they are too mean let me know and I will come get you. People that make things for cats don’t realize they grow up. Take the litter box, for instance, it is fine for a kitten. The same thing is true about a scratching post, fine for a kitten, not for grown cats. I made my cats a scratching post out of a cardboard shipping carton that was round. I covered it with upholstery fabrac of a large corduary material. My cats name was Evanrude,(he purred so loud it sounded like a motor) he didn’t like his litter box, he had a kitty door and he always went outside. My sister’s cat used the post on the back porch deck to keep his claws trimmed. It should be against the law to take away claws from cats, it makes them mean. I am looking at your pictures everyday and I will be visiting you again.

Feb 21, 2010Wanted to do them together
by: Joyce Sammons We wanted to do Furby and Lola together so they wouldn’t be afraid but it turns out there’s a wait for the females. The clinic didn’t have an opening till March 10 so that’s when she will go.

Furby tested negative for FeLV and feline aids and had the first leukemia shot. Now we’re hoping Lola will turn out just as well. I believe the females have to remain overnight at the clinic so that’s one night no one will sleep well.

Feb 21, 2010Claws
by: Joyce Sammons Furby still doing good. The main reason I had the do his claws is it was in the package deal at the clinic. They cleaned his ears and trimmed the claws while under anesthetic. I have a claw file plus he has scratching posts but those little kitty claws were sharp. I just wonder why more people don’t keep the claws trimmed themselves instead of declawing.

Feb 21, 2010I know Walter, I know…….
by: Dorothy It’s just that, some cats, like my Bigfoot….are very fussy about where he cleans his nails. I let him have the nice oak cabinet, but it was so slippery, he couldn’t get his nails into it enough to make a difference….I have so far bought him five different kinds of scratching posts, but he’s so long in size…they all come tumbling down on him, and once that happens, no amount of catnip will lure him back to it. And, the long nails were keeping him from having any fun. He’d stick to the bedspread while playing, stick to the carpet when running, stick to the couch when climbing on it, not to mention sticking to my arms in the night. Love scratches I called them. Well, Mr. Bigfoot has 7 toes on his right foot. His du-claw was growing in a circle back into itself. Well, that one HAD to be trimmed. And I’ll have to keep after it. He doesn’t really use it. Though it isn’t in his way. So… he tells me he LOVES his trimmed nails, and now his favorite scratching place is the couch, where before, he wasn’t able to scratch there. He gets one whole side, yes he does. It’s all his. (Don’t tell the giant human though. The one with the size 16 feet that he’s afraid of.

I’ve seen him scratch on trees when he’s outside, and the mailbox post, but it didn’t seem to do the trick. I guess these USA cats are just a little less wild. I don’t know….I’ll try to keep him the happiest cat in the world. But I think it is a contest, considering all the happy cats I get to read about here on POC.

Be good Walter and Jozeph!


Feb 21, 2010Cats claws
by: Walter We English cats keep hearing about cats claws abroad getting trimmed and it astonishes us as we look after our own claws here.

Our mammies have lots and lots of friends with cats and our auntie next door even has 15 and no ones claws get touched and we have no troubles with them !

Mind you our granma Ebony had to have hers trimmed when she was an old lady and didn’t do them herself on trees and scratching posts but she hated it !

Worse is people who take claws away from cats with their toe ends too, however do they manage without ?

Beats me why people abroad don’t accept our beautiful claws like people here do.



Kattaddorra signature Ruth



Feb 21, 2010Furby is growing up…
by: Dorothy And, he is still as beautiful as he was as a kitten.

Hey Furby, what did you mean about sliding off the pillow’s cuz you don’t have your claws? Did you mean that the good doctor gave you a trim? I think that is what you mean. My Bigfoot felt awkward when his nails were trimmed, but turns out he liked it better. He could play play play without getting stuck on everything…

You’ll be fine in a couple days, and you are being spoiled rotten, just as it should be.


Feb 21, 2010We sympathise with you Furby
by: Walter Hey Furby, the same thing happened to our Jozef and me when we were kittens and we didn’t even go the same day cos although we are about the same age I got mature before him.

It was horrible but I didn’t tell him cos he’d have been scared when his turn came.

Anyway our granma Ebony was still around then and she said ‘boyz it’s for your own good and it’s worse for lady cats cos they gets bits took out of their insides’

Glad you got over it OK, don’t forget to make sure you get lots of treats now.




Kattaddorra signature Ruth


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