I have a miniature cat called Tammi, how can I be sure she’s not a dwarf cat?

by Andrew Boorman

I have a miniature cat called Tammi, how can I be sure she’s not a dwarf cat?

Answer: Hi Andrew. Thanks for visiting and asking. This is an easy one to answer.

A miniature cat is simply a small, normally shaped cat. All the proportions are more or less as you would find on a standard cat only the cat is at the bottom end of the weight/size scale at about 4 lbs or so.

The dwarf cat is actually a normal sized cat in every way except that the cat’s legs are quite a lot shorter. This should be easy to spot.

In some ways the description, “dwarf cat” is misleading because when we think of dwarf animals including dwarf people we think of them as small.

This is not the case with dwarf cats. Dwarf cats can have health issues whereas a small normally shaped cat should have no more health issues than any other domestic cat. The mutant gene carried by dwarf cats that causes the short legs can affect other parts of the body.

Hope this helps.

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I have a miniature cat called Tammi, how can I be sure she’s not a dwarf cat?

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Apr 22, 2011
by: Anonymous

I love cats a lot! Thanks for the paper editing very much!

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