I’ve hurt my cat, no serious injuries but I’ve thrown her and choked her before. It makes me feel horrible afterwards, but I end up doing it again later. I love my cat and I don’t want to continue with this. Is there any way that I can better my relationship with my animal?
Hi…. thanks for visiting and asking. You are on the way to changing because you can look at yourself objectively.
I am not a doctor or psychiatrist so am not qualified to advise but I will give you my thoughts as you have asked.
It seems that you have an anger management problem and you take it out on a vulnerable creature that happens to be convenient – close by. You release your anger, which is permanently with you by striking out at your cat.
Look at wider issues that might be irritating and annoying you and which make you angry. It may be family based. The source could be in the family. It is probably deep seated and you may not recognise the problem.
It might be parent based. Are you a young person? Are your parents around? Have your parents disappointed you? Lots of unknowns but something is eating you and as I said you want to strike out and it is safer for you if you hurt your cat.
Please stop taking out your anxiety, depression and/or anger on your cat. Please seek help from a professional and please give serious consideration to giving up your cat and finding a good home for him or her before possible real harm is committed. Or at least temporarily place your cat with someone else (foster care).
Finally, well done in coming forward. That takes courage. I hope our regular visitors will advise. They are good and sensible people.
Good luck.
Thanks for your thoughts. I agree that the person needs help.
Please seek help asap!
Please seek help asap!
Rob, could you please explain why? Do some humans deserve to be tortured? And what about dogs?
Cats deserve to be tortured