I look at my world through cat colored glasses

by Michael

“I look at my world through cat colored glasses”. These are the words of Jackson Galaxy. He has an exotic name and a truly practical approach to cat interaction. Jo Singer interviewed Jackson for the Petside.com website. He is a well known animal behaviorist. He looks like a Hell’s Angel but has the heart of a soppy Persian cat.

The important point is he respects the domestic cat and treats each cat as an individual as if he were relating to a person transmogrified into the world of cats. That is what he means by looking through cat colored glasses. I feel I know this person.

I think he treats the cat as an equal. He relates to the cat on the same sort of level as he relates to other people.

Obviously the method of communication is different but the level of respect is the same. That is very important.

As a cat behaviorist he also understands people! You have to. He might not like the description, “cat behaviorist” because when it comes to sorting out so called “cat behavior problems” the prime candidate for treatment is guess who….the person who looks after the cat.

So Mr. Galaxy must understand the desires, weaknesses and anxieties of the person as much as he understands the behavior of the domestic cat.

It is through managing the senior partner in the person/cat relationship that he also manages to solve cat behavior problems.

See Jo’s article if you like — link broken July 2013.

Here is Mr Galaxy:

I agree with what he says except I think you will find that wild cat domestication took place in the Fertile Crescent which is wider that simply Egypt and it may have first taken place earlier than during the time of ancient Egypt.

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I look at my world through cat colored glasses

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Apr 06, 2012
Jackson Galaxy Rocks NEW
by: Jo SInger

Thanks, Michael for sharing this story. I am really glad that Jackson’s work with cats is getting the exposure it needs, and that folks who have cats they consider a problem, will visit his sites and watch his show.

If folks can really understand that in the majority of cases it’s human error responsible for kitty” problems”, that in itself would be a great beginning to help distraught cats regain their sanity.

Apr 06, 2012
Awesome! NEW
by: Leah (England)

I’ve seen him on the telly and I think he’s awesome!

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