I Love Munchkin Cats

I Love Munchkin Cats

by Lamanda Bailey
(Cheyenne, Oklahoma, USA)

I have been raising Munchkin kittens for 6 years now and I love them. I have one female and I allow her to have kittens twice a year.

I don’t know if it’s just the two cats that I have owned or if it is part of their breed personality, but they tend to gravitate to one person.

My first Munchkin would never come out from her hiding place unless she heard my voice. I had a lady who cleaned my house once a week and she commented that she had seen the litter box, but she was confused because she had never seen a cat around.

My current cat who is a daughter from my first cat, will let other people pet her, but only if I’m not around. I was really never a “cat person” until I became familiar with this breed.

See: Munchkin Cat for more

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I Love Munchkin Cats

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May 10, 2011
by: Lamanda

My first Munchkin was able to have multiple litters without any problems, then I ended up having to take her to the Vet with her last litter for a cesarean because the kittens were very large. The kittens didn’t make it and I had her spayed. Other than that, I’ve had no health issues whatsoever.

May 10, 2011
by: Michael

Hi, thanks for contributing. Do you have any health problems with your kittens?

Sometimes Munchkins have health problems related to the genetic mutation that causes the dwarfism.

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