By Darlene
Introduction by Michael
Darlene lives in America. She has been visiting this site for many years. She loves cats. They help her cope. Please excuse the grammatical errors.
Hello everyone its darlene and koal here i hope all of you are doing well sorry it took us so long for us to write to you a lot has happened since the last time i wrote first of all i want to let you all know koal is doing wonderful ! he is like a shining star that never fades in my eyes a couple months ago i took koal to the vet just for a routine check up koal was due for a few shots i can tell you one thing for certain he did not at all like the vet visit he actually growled and hissed a lot at the vet koal’s eyes widened and the color of his eyes deepened in color he wasn’t thrilled to be there but when i brought koal home from the vet and let him out of his crate he was all happy and glad to be back home i hate seeing koal sooo upset like that glad its done and over with though until his next visit to the vet
koal has been helping me through a very hard time in my life and i can’t thank koal enough for being with me every step of the way (my dad) (ronald burrow) had lung cancer at the end of 2015 doctors removed part of his lung to remove the cancer but there was a chance that the cancer could come back but in a different place in the body it did come back and now he has liver cancer he is doing chemo but with chemo doctors say he has 6 months to a year left to live the chemo will help him live longer but won’t save his life i have been helping him everyday until he was forced to move out because his land lord wanted him out because my dad is dying that is purely wrong my dad was living right down the street from me but now he is living with his mom and brother in van dyne the chemo is making him so sick he never gets a break it breaks my heart to see my dad dying day by day from the chemo my depression is getting a lot worse and koal comforts me in any sweet loving way and heals some of my depression
koal now loves to sleep on my bed at night before i go to bed koal jumps on the foot of the bed and lays down on his back and he starts to purr so loud as i start to pet him and tuck him into bed each and every night it truly is the most precious time of the night with my sweet baby koal within this time koal gives me wet nose kisses goodnight i get these kisses a lot throughout the day everyday i truly believe that the beloved cat milo that i was so very blessed with gave me koal as a angel whom will watch over me everyday i thank god every day for koal and i tell god how blessed i really am with koal koal is so sweet
koal loves to play i play with him and sometimes he gets so hyper and excited i seen him jump air borne all fours up in the air better yet koal does back flips very well it makes me bust out laughing if only i could get him to do that as i video type him but he is to quick but it is sooo funny to see he always makes my day when he does that
i truly believe koal thinks he is a dog at times because he for one lays down in the kitchen when i cook every time and when i am not home and koal hears me coming to the door he waits on the other side of the door and greets me as i walk inside my apartment i love it! he is soo loyal
bath time is fun too for koal after i take a bath koal loves to jump in the bath tub after the water drains out and he walks around sniffing the tub as he licks the wet tub it looks to funny to put into words he also is a very smart cat because he walks up to the drain which he knows water comes out of it sometimes koal likes to paw at the faucet for the fun of it and most of the time koal watches me take a bath he lays down on the bathroom floor and sometimes he puts his paws on the edge of the tub and sticks his head over the tub to see the water moving in the tub silly kitty
i truly love the time i spend with koal every day i gotten a love seat from my dad and ever since its been here at my place koal claims that that love seat is his but now we share it now i get one cushion and koal gets the other one as i sit there patting koal i love this time this i must tell everyone koal has a great talent in chasing after flies and crawling things that might sneak into my place once in a while even though that has been said there is no need for me to have a fly swatter in this household because koal is talented in chasing after those things i even video taped koal chasing after a fly once and captured it on video was koal catching the fly and killing it and after it was dead he ate it now ever since koal does the job well and he enjoys trying to catch the flies and crawling things all in time he does catch every one of them and he has a snack in the end
The Questions
i do have a few questions about koal though he is a wonderful cat what can i do to prevent koal from scratching and sharpening his claws on things he shouldn’t be even though koal knows that certain things he should not be doing but does anyway i do have a scratching post but he doesn’t want to use it i will Not declaw him whatsoever is there anything else i can do so koal won’t scratch and sharpen his claws on things he shouldn’t be and that he knows he shouldn’t be doing?
koal does not like children and i have two beautiful god children who like to visit me a lot and nevaeh which is the oldest out of the two is ten years old and sharade just turn nine years old what can i do to ease koal into tolerating children better even though sharade likes to stick her head right into the cat’s face even though i tell her so many times not to do that but she does not listen the kids do like koal a great deal its just koal not liking them
there is another issue koal actually gets mean toward my sister jenny he dislikes her more than the kids he tries his best to scratch her face and hisses a lot at her whenever she tries to pat him she hasn’t done anything mean to him and she does like animals what can i do in these cases like this to better it ? why does he dislike her so much it breaks my heart for both of them my sister and koal
well i really hope everyone is doing great and koal and i are hanging in there god bless take care from darlene and koal
thank you soo much