I Love My Savannah Cat

by Maria

I love my Savannah cat. He’s a bit possessive (or is it me?) and he head butts me every time I come home. Then when I walk to the bedroom, he follows me. And when I walk out of the bedroom he keeps following me. He’s a darling. We’ve got a biggish garden and I he has taken to being walked around it on a leash, no probs. They say that the Savannah is dog like, well, I agree.

One thing that concerns me a bit, but we manage, is his reaction to tradesmen, you know, builders and the like. He always hisses and growls and then slinks away! I used to have a moggie and she was smart. But my big boy Savannah is smarter. Sometimes I think he runs the house. He’s learning to open the door. He jumps up and pulls the handle down and walks through. I’ll have to video that one day.

I think it is being smarter than usual that makes him so nosy. He is always poking into things so I have got to make sure there are no nasties around, things that might hurt him. It takes a bit more effort for me to care for him but it is worth it. And he likes to nibble whatever he can find which can be a danger.

He’s crazy about water too. Sometimes he’ll walk into the bathroom and jump into the bath while I am showering. I found that a bit odd at first but it seems perfectly normal now.

I definitely recommend a Savannah cat and I love my Savannah cat. But expect things to be a bit different.

From I Love my Savannah to Savannah cat

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I Love My Savannah Cat

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Jun 06, 2010 question
by: rebel146

Your story is very cute. I have been interested in savannahs for years but waiting for the correct time in my life to take care of one properly! (ok so its mainly a money issue :P)

What generation is your cat? i am trying to find some more definitive information on temperament according to generation.

Also how was the cat socialized while growing up?

where is that video of the cat opening the door, i would love to see that!

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