I love the kitten I found in an industrial dumpster

I love the kitten I found in an industrial dumpster

First picture the day she was found

First picture the day she was found

First picture the day she was found She climbed up here all by herself Ferociously attacking my bathrobe

I found a kitten in an industrial dumpster. Very tiny, white with tiger markings and very fuzzy. The eyes are brilliant blue. I am in love!

I think she is female. She reminds me of a white Bengal tiger. She likes to climb into sacks and bags. I have to watch her carefully when I take out the trash. She will even climb into a grocery sack, where she is not disturbed at ALL if you pick up the sack by the handles.

She plays with almost anything and loves to reach inside drawers left ajar, almost like she is fishing.

When I put change in my ceramic cup the sound brings her running! She hops up and immediately tries to fish out the coins. I wish I could tell whoever lost her that she is safe and loved.

She is an extraordinary cat. Very smart, she will listen to whatever I tell and if I scold her she answers back, as she must have the last word in any discussion!

If I tell her she isn't allowed in the kitchen (it is VERY small, think galley or travel trailer size) she complains vocally but leaves right away. She is a gift and I am so glad I found her!

I wonder if I breed her if she will have kittens that look similar to her. Quite a few of my friends and neighbors wanted to give her a home as I wasn't sure my landlord would approve.

She is beautiful, energetic, intelligent, endlessly entertaining herself and me with her antics. I suppose she may have have been the result of a feral female and not any special "breed" but I love her and cherish her. She is a gift I am grateful for every day!

My neutered male longhair silver/gray cat is smitten with her also! He is very quiet and large. She is very talkative and tiny. The odd couple.


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I love the kitten I found in an industrial dumpster

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Jan 25, 2011 Aw she's a little darling!
by: Leah (UK)

She's adorable with a capital A!

I just don't know how anyone could dump any kitten let alone one as sweet as yours; thank god you found her.

Looks like she has her paws well and truely under the table!

I would love to see a photo when she's grown.

Jan 25, 2011 lucky!
by: darlene burrow

it sounds like your new kitten had a rough life before you found each other it sounds like your kitten is very very entertaining and silly at times now this kitten will be treated very well by you and she is very lucky that you found her it must have been fate that brought you two together and i am very happy for the both of you

Jan 25, 2011 Relationship
by: Michael

I like very much your special relationship with your new cat companion made all the more special because you saved her.

These are my favorite stories - very real and very tender.

I would not breed her though. There are enough domestic cats that need homes in the world already.

She is not a white Bengal cat but a dilute classic tabby and white cat it seems to me.

I changed your title to match the content better. I hope you don't mind me doing that. I rarely do it.

Michael Avatar

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