by Robin
Photo added by Michael - a baby OSH on the shoulder of the breeder at a cat show waiting to be photographed
I have had two Orientals and love the breed. They are wonderfully vocal and will answer you back when you ask them about their day. Both of mine would play fetch with my ponytail holders which shows their intelligence.
They are very affectionate cats and love to snuggle with you. As unbelievable as it may sound, they think they are human and should enjoy joining in everything a human does.
I lost two very good friends when they passed and have many, many stories that my family and I still share. I love the breed so much I bought my mother one who became her best bud, and this is a woman who didn't really care for cats.
It breaks my heart to say that all three cats (my two and my mothers) died from renal failure. All of them had to be put down. I don't know if it is an abnormality within the breed, or if it was environmental.
Whichever the case, I find it odd that all three had the same disease when none of them lived with one another. I feed them a good diet and clean water every day. I have not looked into the possibility of their teeth causing their demise. All of them needed to have their teeth cleaned on a regular basis, the breed is apparently known for bad teeth due to the narrow jaw.
All in all, I love them and if you are looking for someone to be your friend, this is the breed for you. They give as much love as you give them, if not more.
Hi Robin.... Thanks for talking about the Oriental Shorthair. You are not alone is loving this breed of cat. Here are two submissions by people who have similar thoughts to you. A fine cat but seems to have inhereted health problems.
Oriental Shorthair and Gum Disease
Hepatic Amyloidosis in Siamese & Oriental Cats