I Love the Sound of Happy Kitty Feet: Do You?

Modern Siamese Cats

When your kitties are chasing each other around the house, running at full speed, does the sound of their little paws skittering over the floor resemble those of a herd of galloping horses?

Even though most of our home has wall-to-wall carpeting, every time that our two kitties, Dr. Hush Puppy and Sir Hubble Pinkerton are energetically chasing one another back and forth from room to room, I often find myself scratching my head, wondering if, by any chance due some outrageous quirk of nature, they may have inherited some equine genes.

While many, many years have passed since I was breeding and showing cats, I will never forget the time that we had a litter of young Siamese kittens who were just mastering the art of running at top speed. Since they were just baby kits, to keep them safe and out of harm’s way, they were safely ensconced along with their doting mother, in a huge airy and sunny upstairs bedroom. They were kept in that bedroom just until they were old enough to get out of harm’s way and until their sea-legs were developed sufficiently to explore the entire house freely.

I can’t begin to count the times when I had settled down on the couch in the downstairs living room to watch television and, of course was about to fall asleep, when I would be startled awake by what sounded like a bunch of miniature ponies galloping fast-forward at full-tilt. But the raucous noise of this burst of energy was always ended with a silence that was deafening.

Of course, each and every time this sequence was repeated, I was compelled to climb the stairs to assure myself that all the kittens were indeed safe and sound and no one had been hurt. And when I opened the door I was always greeted with the sight of what appeared like a pile of exhausted kittens who were fast asleep curled up together in a furry ball.

But the minute that I was preparing to quietly tip-toe out of the room, all of a sudden that furry ball on the bed would explode into a clowder of crab-dancing, prancing kittens setting out to entertain me with their antics.

I love the sounds of cats playing with each other. While it can become rather noisy at times, what some people might consider an inharmonious din is always sweet music to my ears. They are some of my favorite tunes because those songs let me know that they are both having a blast.

As I was watching the new Simon’s Cat video, “Crazy Time”, it inspired to write how important the sound of “happy kitty” feet is to me, and how much I dearly love it.

How do you know when your cats are happy? Tell us in a comment.


Photo credit: Flickr user FVWO

17 thoughts on “I Love the Sound of Happy Kitty Feet: Do You?”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Rao is our senior marmalade tabby (15) and Buster (6) is a Ragamuffin.NoW Muffins stay playful till at least age 4 and Buster still is. He’s always trying to entice Rao into playing and it often works! Two things I enjoy most: they take turns respectfully with the laser pointer and I love Buster’s crouch/shimmy/pounce.

  3. Although our “Kittens” will be 9 years old in August, they are still kittenish. We enjoy the thunder of feet thought he house here. Each day we have the mad rush to the cat enclosure door and then the scramble as they force their way through the cat door two at a time. We also are given a Fancy Feet show each night as the cats do laps through the house being chased by whatever invisible critter is chasing them. Lately the cats have enjoyed playing with our twin goat kids. They love to play bop a kid and they are always gentle. I love the sound of “Happy Feet.” Thanks Jo .

  4. That’s wonderful kylee! Our cats give us so much pleasure and joy- and we do our best to return it to them a thousand times over!

  5. exactly michael its the best thing seeing them happy. was supposed to say she. I love domestic cats much more than a predigree they give so much love and dont cost a thing. They deserve alot love and care than people have given them.

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