I may have been scammed but I love my Teacup cat

by Annette
(Black Diamond, WA )

Mostly fur!

Mostly fur!

We bought a "teacup kitten" in January 2010. He was almost 5 months old and weighing 2 and a half pounds, so I figured he would not grow very much after since the breeder told me his parents were only 5lbs.

After seeing the enormous pricing for shipping a teacup kitten, I thought $1500 for a teacup that we could drive and get home was reasonable.

The breeder had a contract, and I was to recieve the papers after I had him neutered.

The papers came and listed him as Himalayan?? Anyway, at 1 year and 1 month old, he weighs 7lbs (on my scale?).

I am not convinced he is a "tea cup" and feel that the breeder is just breeding smaller Persians and selling them for more!

Maybe I could have gotten one for $500??? Anyway, we have grown to love Zeus and he gets along with my 11 year old chihuahua. He loves a bath and needs my constant attention when I get home from work.

I try not to think about the $1500 anymore!


Annette... Hi Annette. Thanks for sharing. I think you are spot on right in what you say.

Zeus is a Himalayan (a pointed Persian) who should be very much smaller than average because his parents and their parents were small and the breeder is selective breeding for small size.

But 7 lbs is somewhere near the average for a domestic cat. Although on the smaller side of average. The smallest normal (non-teacup) purebred cat is the Singapura with an average weight of about 6.5 lbs.

As you say you were scammed (perhaps the better word is deceived) if we are to be totally honest. Although the breeder herself would probably admit that she cannot be sure what size her kittens are going to end up at when adult. It is not a science.

Some people might say that the whole Teacup cat thing is a bit prone to scamming as the prices are very high and the the customer is not sure of getting what they bargained for. Also there are some question marks about the ethics of breeding for very small size as there might be health issues.

Zeus looks adorable though. Actually he looks quite large! Perhaps it's his fur making him look bigger than he is. As you say, forget the money...)

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May have been scammed but love my Teacup cat to Teacup cats

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I may have been scammed but I love my Teacup cat

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Oct 22, 2010
"Tea Cup Cat Scam
by: Rudolph.A.Furtado

Your cat is the typical "Traditional Persian Cat" similar to my feline queen cat "Matahari" posted in "P.O.C". You have definitely been scamed by the breeder but in hindsight be thankful of having a lovable pet. Having afforded a costly cat, you would definitely recover your money through your business or source of income. I myself paid an astronomical Rs 14000(U.S$ 350) by Indian standards for my traditional persian cat "Matahari" in 2007 in Mumbai. Today, i am absolutely pleased of my costly but excellent purchase as "{Matahari" turned out to be an excellent pet as well as breeder,although i just bred her once.

"Breeders" are ruthless,most are in the profession only for the money and rarely for the love of animals or pets.Be happy with your costly purchase, also wiser for the same.

Oct 22, 2010
Teacup or not, your cat is beautiful.
by: Sylvia Ann

Dear Annette -

That tail looks like the furs gorgeous women draped over their shoulders in F. Scott Fitzgerald's flapper era. What's more, you're an excellent parent if you have an 11-year-old chihuahua. Not sure, but think their average life expectancy is 8 years or so. Our vet told us once that very large and very small dogs are seldom known for their longevity. All four of our chi's died around age seven or eight.

This is off the subject of cats, but your address plunged me into a fit of nostalgia from which it will take me days to recover.

While there are lavish homes being built out there these days, I vividly remember those rows of little turn-of-the-century miners' houses, the hamburger joint on the corner, that unbelievable bakery that drew customers from from all over King County and - oh, I could sob -the road that went past the quarry, the one-lane bridge spannig the chasm over Green River, that wooded enclosure where sunlight never penetrated (I vaguely remember peacocks and other exotic birds traipsing around in the green gloom),and that place in the road, a hundred feet from the bridge, where you could pull over, get out of your car and fill 50 jugs with crystal-pure water that gushed from the pipe in that ferny grotto. I never knew its source -- it seems unlikely it was glacial melt, unless it came from high in the Cascades. But I'll never forget how delectable it was.

During my years in Puget Sound country, I had a neighbor who went to Mass and brought back every Sunday a glass gallon jug she kindly gave me. I finally amassed 70 jugs, 60 of which I managed to pack into my Corolla on my trek to Black Diamond every six months. Of the hundreds of jugs I carried home over the years, only one clouded up with some kind of bacterial contaminant. All the rest contained liquid heaven.

Not long ago there was a program on Sirius radio in which - as I recall - a couple of microbiologists discussed the perils of drinking tap water. They mentioned a possible link between chlorine & fluoride and the risk of kidney and bladder cancer. If the taste of tap water is any indication, I'm sure it's true.

Nowadays I now live a two-hour drive from Seattle, and the water here is befouled by mddlesome humans. I've tried chilling it in the refrigerator, but that only intensifies its gagsome flavor. Yes - you can buy water purification appartus, but it runs into many hundreds of dollars.

It breaks my heart that I couldn't take the jugs with me when I moved, and I envy you your proximity to that gift-from-God water supply. (If you've never tried the water, I'll believe you. When I once asked a lifelong resident of Washington D.C. if she knew where the Smithsonian was, she shrugged her hsoulders, and told me she'd never been there.)

Anyhow, enjoy your gorgeous kitty!

5 thoughts on “I may have been scammed but I love my Teacup cat”

  1. Some people say I overpaid for my cat, but if I had to do it all over again, I would even pay double. The joy she brings to my life is priceless. Cherish your beautiful Zeus. Wow, his tail is gorgeous, it looks like a boa. And so sorry you lost your new kitten.

  2. We have the same cat it is a red point ,we have 3 cats an blue point red point and chinchillas and we had a knew baby kitty and she died I was so heart broken so my mommy went on to the web site and wanted to buy my one and its a scam!

  3. There’s no such things as “teacup” cats. They are not a breed of cat. Not recognized by the CFA. They are runts, sickly cats. Your comment that the breeder was just breeding smaller Persians and passing them off as teacups is ignorant. Because there is no such thing. You should consider yourself lucky that your kitty grew up to be a regular size. Also maybe buy a book on cat breeds to properly educate yourself and not get scammed in the future.

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