I Now Know What Kind of Cat I Have

by Anthony
(Port St Lucie, FL)



My boy's name is Vito. I have wondered what he is for a while now, but thanks to your website I know he is a Tiffany.

My boy is the sweetest thing you could ever want to meet. He follows me everywhere I go. He is very smart.

I love him like he is my own child. He hates to travel by car, and he hates baths. Otherwise he is the best cat ever.

Lately I wake up to my alarm ringing and he is standing over it trying to figure out how to turn it off. I love him very much.

To reach me use olantman@aol.com. Thanks.


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I Now Know What Kind of Cat I Have

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May 27, 2010
by: Ruth

Yes we are very lucky here in the UK. England hss some beautiful places.We are actually on the very edge of a housing estate in a small town with big gardens out the back then beautiful trees around 40 foot high,then an embankment.

This time of year we can sit in the garden in the sun and the leaves rustling on those trees sounds like the sea.

I count my blessings every day and never take it for granted as we were happy in our other home in a small village until bad neighbours moved in.

It must be awful to live in an overdeveloped place,I'd be even more worried about the effects of chemicals.

May 27, 2010
To Ruth
by: Gail (Boston, MA USA)

How I envy the photos I see of the UK's beautiful villages and lush landscape. Unfortunately, here in the USA, most of it is a concrete jungle with trees stuck in as an afterthought in the metropolitan areas. I live in a suburb south of Boston which is still a city; however, the officials were smart enough to keep it green. Our area is also very ethnically diverse so we are fortunate enough to have families with wondrous gardens - both vegetable and flower.

I think the flea/tick problems we run into here in the USA are due to overdevelopment. I think that if people left nature to take care of its own, bugs would stay in check. It's when mankind decides to cut down all the trees, plow over landscaping for yet another shopping mall or business complex (which now are empty due to the economic crisis), nature is disturbed to the Nth degree. Ergo, we get inundated with fleas and the like. Therfore, we end up having to use chemicals to protect our furkids. Rather out of balance, but what can you do?

May 27, 2010
To Gail
by: Ruth

Whatever suits you best Gail, but I am very wary of using more chemical stuff on our cats than necessary.If there was a guaranteed natural flea treatment as simple I'd use that instead.

We too live amongst trees, grass,plants etc and have many cats around,as you know in the UK most of us let them have their freedom.

Maybe we are just lucky to have no flea problems here where we live.

May 26, 2010
Flea medication
by: Gail (Boston, MA USA)

Hi Anthony, Your story about Apollonia is also wonderful. Please, post her photo as well.

Ruth, it depends on the flea meds that you get from the vet. Since our area is heavily landscaped - loads of trees, grass, plant life.

Although my Sadie is an indoor only cat, fleas can still get in on human clothes; therefore, I give her feline Revolution once/month. Since it covers fleas, ticks, parasites and heartworms, I don't have to get separate meds to deal with the other stuff.

May 26, 2010
Hi Anthony
by: Ruth

Hi Anthony, do you have a photo of Apollonia too ? Both your cats sound lovely and totally different little characters.You obviously love them a lot and they love you too. I know how you feel, I too used to hate going out to work leaving our cats at home.

Flea baths are not a good idea, they can in fact make cats quite ill,as can flea collars.Those things should be banned, cats have even died because of flea collars.

The best flea medication is a simple drop on the back of the neck treatment you get from your vet.It's easy to do and causes the cats no stress.Although some vets recommend it monthly we only ever do our cats in the Spring and they are always flea free.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

May 26, 2010
by: Anthony

I do appreciate any and all advice on caring for a cat. I just need to clear two things. Unfortunately my little buddy had gotten fleas at a place we were living. There was twice I had to give him a flea bath. It was not fun for either of us. He accidentally bit me during one of the baths, and I don't blame him at all. And as far as cars rides, I don't put him through it unless I have to. I've had to move a few times since adopting him. Otherwise I never just take him on a car ride.

Another thing about me and kitties is I also have a little girl. She is a black and white Short Hair Domestic. Her name is Apollonia. She is a sweety at times, but for the most part she is very independant. She'll jump on me, I'll rub her tummy and she kneads on me. Then she's done and runs off. Vito on the other hand is almost physically attached to me. I get up and go in the other room, he's right there with me. I hate it so bad when I have to leave him to go to work.

Oh and yes, I bought a very soft brush for babies, and the kitties love that.

May 25, 2010
by: Gail (Boston, MA USA)

I concur with previous posters, both about bathing Vito and taking him in the car.

Outside of bathing Vito, I'd be willing to bet that if you got a very soft baby brush and stroked his fur, he'd regale you with 'oooohs' and 'aaaaahs' like you wouldn't believe. My own Sadie, a Tortie, absolutely loves this and paws at me when I stop. If I put the brush down, she takes turns pawing my hand and the baby brush as if to say "C'mon mommie...more!"

Sadie gets to the vet via taxi. If the weather is good, we sit outside on the front stoop to get some sun whilst we wait for the cab. That way, she's not so cranky while in the vehicle. Otherwise, if the weather's not good, we sit inside the hallway I chat with her to keep her calm.

Please send us more stories about Vito the Adventurous. He's such a handsome boy.

May 24, 2010
by: Tracey (England)

Your cat is a little love!

He reminds me so much of my Alfie especially the tail. I really haven't a clue what a Tiffany cat is seems you only have those in America.

Ruth is spot on when she says you don't have to bath your cat. Please don't. It's essential that a cats fur lies flat; this way it keeps his temperature cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Does he lick and lick after his bath? I bet he does; this is because he is trying to flatten his coat.

Please don't make him take car journeys unless its to the vets and only then in a cat carrier. Dogs like car journeys, cats rarely do. He's not a dog so please if you love him the way you say you do don't put him though unneccessary traumas.

Please come on here again and tell us about Vito. We are experienced cat owners and we will always give the correct advice. Also tell everyone you know about the website too!

Lovely seeing Vito for the first time! Hope we see him again!

May 24, 2010
by: Ruth

Vito is a really handsome cat, just look at that tail !

Not many cats do like cars and baths but there is no need to bath a cat unless he is too dirty to clean himself, daily grooming is enough.

Bathing strips the natural oils from the cat's fur and eventually it becomes very poor,as the fur regulates the cats temperature too it can affect the health of the cat.

Not everyone agrees but I learned this from a very wise old vet I worked for, for many years and he wasn't ever wrong about anything !

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

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